Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Is CFEC done?

Down in Juneau, the House Special Committee on Fisheries has scheduled a hearing for 8 a.m. tomorrow to discuss a new bill titled:

An act repealing the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission and transferring its duties to a commercial fisheries entry division established in the Department of Fish and Game and the office of administrative hearings."

We note that only four days remain in the legislative session.


  1. Interesting - the author of the bill locks horns with the commissioners at CFEC and gets his feathers ruffled, then to lick his wounds he proposes a bill that basically fires the commissioners but otherwise does not affect the functions of CFEC except they won’t have their own commissioners anymore.

  2. What a bad idea from a disgruntledlegislator. Surely he is not that stupid! Rep. Seaton what can you be thinking. I am sure that the Commissioner of the ADF&G is thrilled with this proposed delegation! Right! As if the Dept. does not have enough to do and is already seen as too political. This ranks right in there with the bill that gave the governor veto power over BOF decisions. Apparently the real problem is that some house members do not have enough to do. Maybe we need to fold them into some agency. Like the the ABC board. At least their actions would then be understandable.

  3. Many legislators think Seaton is the voice of commercial fishing in the Capitol. Fishermen need to confiscate his hat to end that confusion. Or perhaps the Homer voters could elect a real fisherman if one were to run.

  4. Seaton was a joke as a fisherman an has been a joke as a legislator. Time for him to go.

  5. 2:33: Right on! Just about anything Seaton gets behind means the kiss of death for it. He has no respect from his fellow legislators and does nothing for the commercial fishing industry. This is the time to replace him before he does any more damage to our interests.
