Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A debunker on the halibut catch sharing plan

The North Pacific Council has posted this two-page summary of the pending halibut catch sharing plan.

The summary appears to be an attempt to debunk some of the claims swirling around the controversial plan.

Here are a couple of key points:

• The catch sharing plan does not reallocate halibut, relative to recent harvest levels, from the charter to the commercial sector.

• Assertions that the plan will mean a one-fish daily bag limit in 2014 for Southcentral Alaska charter anglers are unfounded.


Anonymous said...

The plan reallocates halibut relative to the current, Court affirmed allocation. Angler effort, harvest and allocation all factor into a TBD harvest rule. If biomass goes down or effort goes up, harvest restrictions will likely be necessary in SC Alaska. Nobody knows what will happen because this information has not been released.

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would they put this out after the comment period is closed and allow the charter industry to run a smear campaign for two full months about this plan?
It's almost like the Council wants to get it thrown out.....