Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Halt the hatcheries?

An organization called the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership is calling for a moratorium on North Pacific hatchery expansion until the risks to wild salmon populations can be ascertained. More here.


  1. this is hilarious. whats a obamao loving fishermen to do. First these Obama loving fishermen use the sustainable argument to clobber other industries and come to find out their own comrades find their own industry is out of wack.these democrats must live depressing lives. I think the only cure is to sell your boats and permits get rid of your kids and go live a sustainable life in a cave close to a beach so you can eat clams. mike svenson sitka

  2. If we wait long enough there will be no need for hatcheries because the brood stock will be too low for any type of enhancement activities just as is what's happening to the Nome area rivers.

  3. @ 9:45am. Is that you Tim?

  4. Its called balance, Mike, repub or demo, there needs to be some. There has to be a limit to what the ocean can pump out. And if i read this correctly, it also talks about fisheries enforcement-arent you people about law and order? Just curious.....

  5. The billion dollar Pollock Fishery in the Bering Sea has the bucks to influence the lawmakers as well as to show the blantant disregard for thousands of poor people in Western Alaska's Salmon Culture.

  6. @5:20 PM, 6/19 - I'd like to know what difference does it make who I am?

    I'm one of the few people in the Nome area not going around with my head up you know where. As a concerned citizen, it's my responsibility to be informed on issues that negatively influence my life. The lack of salmon where they were once abundant prevents me from taking advantage of a healthy food resource that is suppose to be managed for "sustainable harvest by all users".

    I'm not a happy camper and haven't been since the salmon declines started happening in the Nome area rivers twenty plus long, long, years ago. People have to stop believing the lies that have been going around, and around, and around as if they are the God given truth.

  7. We're waiting to see if the salmon will come in abundant numbers up here in the Norton Sound area. "The run is late because break-up was late." is the experts opinion.

    Well here is a fact that can be easily proven if we ever allow real scientists into the Nome area Rivers arena: The Nome River summer chum run is extinct. It took a little over 30 years - less than a lifetime. Documents will show incompetence and local dirty politics if anyone attempts to write the history. Next on the list to extinction are the small King Salmon runs in the area. It's a clear as day is day and night is night.

    So the plan is to "Halt the Hatcheries" except for the groups who have powerful political push/pull. They can do anything because they hold the golden apple/silver platter.
