Thursday, March 28, 2013

And they're off!

Raven Radio KCAW in Sitka reports the herring fishery got its first opener of the season yesterday afternoon, but the catch was modest.

Check out the report here.


  1. Any current report on the grounding of the Pacific Producer on Kodiak? Did it get off this week?

  2. The Dept. hoped to harvest 4,000 tons and had to shut down after only 1,500 were harvested. A large % of the fish in the area were spawning, but not many fish seen. Is this about to be another fiasco such as occurred last season? When will the Dept. and the public wake up and stop this fishery. The herring are worth more in the water than when harvested for the roe.

  3. I killed tons of herring today!

  4. The only reason the catch was modest was because the volume is so great the fleet had to be opened on smaller satellite schools to control harvest. If they fished in the biomass the quota would be taken in 10 minutes.

  5. 500 dollar a ton. Anyone heard other prices?

  6. Opener # 2

    Huge area opened up for second opening. 3.5 hour opening-3,600 ton harvested. Doesn't sound like a huge volume out there to me.

  7. Any good collisions yet? I heard Jamie and the rest of the Homer-roids are out for blood this year!

  8. there down to fishing spawn outs now!!!!!!!getting desparate checking out salsbury sound and goddard to catch the smaller herring for a lower price!really makes sence?
