Friday, February 1, 2013

Listening in

A potential legal showdown is brewing between United Fishermen of Alaska and the Kenai River Sportfishing Association.

Here's a draft letter from UFA to KRSA that explains.

The allegation is that someone eavesdropped on a recent UFA teleconference, heard some stuff, then passed it along to Karl Johnstone, chairman of the Alaska Board of Fisheries.

Well, Deckboss can just imagine what kind of stir this is causing!


  1. While you're at it, take a look at the dinner and drinks that KRSA reps pay for at EVERY board of fish meeting.

  2. not hard to figure out, executive director for UFA gave executive director for KRSA conference phone number.......

  3. If there were violation of both State and Federal eavesdropping law by KRSA, and perhaps by their water-boy Johnstone, one wonders if Parnell will do anything about it? My bet is no.

  4. who are the nominees? And who are we (UFA) supporting?

  5. ksra weilds a big stick,they get shut down one year on the kenai river all of a sudden the state legislatior,the congressional dligation,lisa murkowski mr parnell are all tripping over each other to find relief for these poor abused human beings!after all they have been fishing this river system since time immorial!there grandfathers and grand mothers have been eeking out this traditional way of life for ever!so in closing we should all get together to help these poor folk survive.maybe just maybe? the aboriginal peoples along the yukon river system can pass the hat and send these poor river guides a little donation to help there cause!

  6. who are the nominees?

  7. KRSA='s FIB, call the FBI, send Kactus Karl back to Prescott, skunks in Ak are an invasive species. Maybe the gov. will finally purge all boards of Palinista's and have the courage to make some decent appointments! I want to know how KRSA acquired the conference code. Is this a first or the first time caught?

  8. Is KRSA a non-for-profit agency? Gee, didn't Nixon get his trousers in a bind over this kind of stuff and have to say adios. Adios Karl, a.k.a. Kactus Karl.

    Ditto: I'd like to know how KRSA acquired the conference code and who from KRSA gave it to Karl. Since Judge Johnstone is the Chairman - doesn't he have to give up his source?

  9. UFA's letter wants some answers. Appreciate the comments and posting UFA'a letter. After reading UFA's letter it makes you wonder what the heck is going on with KRSA and apparently speed dialing the Chairman of the Board of Fisheries over UFA member comments. A lot of questions on what the heck went on - a mystery until we find out who, what, where, and when.

  10. Maybe we should call the Governor in Arizona and see what positions are available in resource management since fishery management decisions in Alaska past, present & future are made by Arizonians. I really don't get it, you don't like Alaska well enough to live here but .............Does the Governor have a home in Arizona also?

  11. Wesley: You're a reporter, correct? You have a story here, and there is more to this than is posted here on your blog. You should do more than just pull the pin on the grenade and watch it blow up.

    You have KRSA, probably one of the most powerful, well-connected lobbying organizations in the State (and arguably one of the most corrupt) engaging in illegal activity. I know, big surprise there. Then, you have the legal and ethical issue of KRSA running immediately to Mr. Johnstone to tell on UFA for saying mean things in private. Plus, what did Johnstone do after he got the details of this private conversation? Did he know the details of how this information was obtained? There are lots of questions that should be asked.

  12. U F. A. is screaming ethics foul.
    That's a good one.
    I love how the letter,leaked to
    the media is marked confidential.
    Was that call open to ALL UFA
    Members or only a select few..
    How many members were asked to
    vote in this decision.

  13. It was a Board of Directors meeting, if that counts as a "select few". What vote are you talking about?

  14. I was referring to the selection of who would be the UFA's choice
    for appointment to the Alaska
    Board Of Fisheries.

  15. Really.... UFA is not smart enough to set up a secure conference call.... Shame on them.
    Guess this eliminates KRSA's candidate and UFA

  16. @4:33-
    There is obviously someone on the UFA board who is passing this information along. It is kind of hard for me to fathom what satellite group would have a rep on the UFA board that would do something so back handed and sinister. I cannot understand why they would either. I think EVERY group should have a new rep, and all the at large seats should be replaced.
    And Wesley, your glee is as nauseating as your blog photo.

  17. Hey 5:26 post: You are a douche.
    Wesley's posts is why we're all here.

  18. 5:40-
    Not me. It's for the comments. If I find his joy and his looks barely sufferable, I'll comment, just like you calling me a douche. Fire away. If you are his lover or besty, nothing personal!


  19. So KRSA, is more corrupt than the UFA?

    Been fishin long, 12:02?

  20. So why does KRSA even have to tap into a private teleconference when someone within the UFA ranks is already feeding information to their group? Just how does the good judge Johnstone get involved with this as a public official sworn to abide by the laws of the State of Alaska? Wesley, instead of being a weak source of information why don't you do some real journalism and interview all the involved?

  21. I am not supprised that KRSA would illegally listen in on a conference call. They will do any thing they can to influence the process and get what they want, ethics mean nothing to this group. I think the important part of this story is that they immediatly ran to Karl Johnstone,the Chairman of the BOF, with the information. This finally confirms what what we have all suspected. The relationship between KRSA and Johnstone is far to cozy and as a former judge, Mr. Johnstone should recognize this relationship is preventing him from making impartial decisions as the Chair of the BOF. If he was still a judge, he would have to recuse himself if KRSA was a party to a legal action in his courtroom.

  22. Since there is a crime or at least a claim there is, why isn't it being investigated?

  23. This whole thing makes your eyebrows raise up. UFA's response is pretty lame. A letter scolding KRSA? Seriously? If they were going to do something legally, they would have done it already.

    It will beyond ironic if KRSA eavesdrops, skates on breaking the law, poisons whatever little good will exists between UFA and the BOF, and then they get their preferred candidate, the dude from Fairbanks, on the BOF to boot. Johnstone, moral compass still askew, carries on. Can you say coup?

  24. Wonder where Ruben and Ricky are?

    Last winter when Johnstone was up for reappointment, some posters here were laying smack down about him, and the KRSA boys came here posting about how he was the greatest thing since Aldo Leopold.

    They seem to be missing. Hey guys, what's up?

  25. Boo hoo hoo, you tattled on me so we'll tattle on you!

  26. If UFA hasn't already reported and turned over their evidence to the State and Federal authorities, then this is a bunch of blustery bullshit. Asking KRSA for an explanation? What a bunch of pussies.

  27. What a bunch of nonsense. UFA has a telephonic Board meeting and gives out a call-in number for all Board members, officers and who know who else and then expects that it will be private? Give me a break. If UFA really thought there was some law broken, believe me the authorities would be involved. Seems to me that there might be a leak within the ranks of UFA that it should be concerned with. The statutes that UFA cite are not applicable to what happened. The definition of a "private communication" states that there should be a reasonable expectation that the communication is not subject to interception. By giving out the telephone number to so many people given today's access to mass communication methods and means, and the diversity of UFA membership and Board makeup, no one could possibly have such a "reasonable" expectation. And it was not "intercepted" Anyone who had the number was free to call in and listen. If I am a board member or another who has been provided the number, and I give out the call in number, it is not "intercepted' when that person calls in. Title 42 is designed to prevent eavesdropping, generally considered to be listening devices, of private conversations unless there is a warrant or other reasons provided for by law.Consent by a board member to another person to listen is not eavesdropping. And finally, There is no evidence of what was said during the teleconference, who participated and the number who listened in. The Chairman of the BOF, it seems, merely acknowledged he had information of what was said. Why doesn't UFA tell us what was said. What is it trying to hide? Perhaps UFA needs to be a bit more circumspect about the way it conducts meetings and what is said at those meetings. Maybe that is why it has not gone to authorities. It is likely that UFA would not want the public to know what was said. I would guess that the meeting was recorded. Let's listen to the tapes. I would be a bit worried about this if I were UFA. But not from the point of view their letter covers. Rather I might worry that UFA may have unnecessarily upset one or more policy makers, or said some things about future BOF members that was unflattering only to discover those comments were transmitted to those who might have put in for the current opening on the BOF. And really afraid of what the public or UFA membership might think if it all got published. And isn't hilarious, that the letter from UFA to KRSA is stamped all over its face as "confidential" Just another example of how UFA does not know what is confidential and what is in the public domain. Or perhaps it was UFA who leaked the letter to this blog site. Probably was. The real harm here is to UFA, not KRSA, not future BOF members, and certainly not to sitting BOF members. Maybe if UFA pushes this, perhaps the Chairman will let us all know what he heard was said in the UFA meeting. I don't think he really cares that much, however. He has been the target of many insults by those who hide behind anonymous comments and probably rightfully disregards them. As he should. In the meantime, Come on UFA, tell us what was said in the meeting. Leak it all out. Or are you afraid to?

  28. As a longtime sport, commercial, and subsistence fisherman in Alaska I am dismayed by the juvenile behavior of both commercial and sport interests revealed by this whole episode.

    Thank you Wesley for sharing it here. Conserving and sharing our fishery resources "necessitates" working together. Whether "legal" or not, unethical behavior jeopardizes the already difficult task of adversaries finding common ground on tough issues.

  29. Spin, spin not so quick. The UFA phome number also required a pass code, then each caller was asked to identify themselves. When KRSA entered the conference the new participant was asked to identify themselves -- no identification was provided to the other callers.
    UFA and ALL the participants had their calls eavesdropped.
    Who is to say that this eavesdropping has't been reported to the legal authorities?? Any of the 20+ participants have the legal right to file a criminal or civil complaint against KRSA for the eavesdropping.

  30. to 12:33: Let's hope that UFA legal advisors are smarter than you are. By the way, exactly who is it that listened in on the call? And how did whoever did listen in get the number? Do those "20+" participants have the right to file against the person who provided the number? Did that person commit a crime? So if a board member gives the number and password to another person, you think that is eavesdropping? Come on. either go to law school or get a good lawyer. Because you haven't seen the ball since the kickoff. Aren't you the least bit interested in what went down in the meeting that led to all this? Isn't it interesting that no one from UFA is willing to talk about it? Do you really think that if UFA engaged in some conduct that might be improper that they somehow have some immunity from disclosure? So if someone who participated in the UFA meeting told another person not connected to UFA what was said, do you think that would be a crime also? Sounds like a UFA problem, not a KRSA one. So far there is nothing that has been done with whatever information was received by anyone. Nobody is saying anything. Let's hear it from UFA. What happened in the meeting that makes you so worried? If i were KRSA, I would say please report us to the authorities so we can get this all out to the public. Problem is: there is no crime and it is very very likely UFA has been so advised. So what is its recourse: leak it to the Deck Boss. Say some bad things about KRSA and a BOF member and hope what happened never gets out. By the way, I do not believe that all UFA board members or members in general are so rabid. Most are very professional.

  31. ahhh. good to see the KRSA boy(s) finally showed up here.

    btw, your post is nonsense. Spin indeed.

  32. Anyone, anyone at all interested in just what happened at the UFA Board meeting that it is so afraid of getting out to the public? Whatever it was, it must have been very bad. KRSA "boys" indeed. What a sexist comment.

  33. Once again the public trust in an open, transparent and "fair" political process is undermined. This smells fishy from top to bottom and side to side. Kinda makes me sick to my stomach.

  34. Can't we all just get along?

    while i wasn't on the call, next time why don't we get both groups together and work on getting the best and most qualified person from the best and brightest the state has to offer.

    ufa represents all commfish interests, save for the AYK region. we could add aoc, of which i am a lifetime member, and seago and territorial sportsmen, so that we can sit down with all the fishing interests and rationally discuss the qualifications of the candidates instead of 'counting votes'

    btw.. it is my understanding that ufa was drafting a letter to the administration advocating such an approach... to ask the Governor to choose based upon the strengths of the particular candidate rather than a regional or preference bias.

    someone look for that letter. i think you'll find it illuminating.

    sure someone probably said something negative about a sitting board member... since they thought they had a protected, private conversation and communication.... heck, the only guy i've complained about on the Board of Fish is the father of one of my board members at SEAS--- John Jensen. We have agreed to disagree on Sitka Herring management. Vehemently and publicly. but i respect his public service and we tend to agree on most other issues.

    but i'd like to think that if i were on the aoc board, the seago board, the territorial sportsmens board or the krsa board, that I could speak my mind with my fellow board members and not be broadcasting my thoughts, speech and ideas to ufa wiretappers and the chairman of the board of fish.

    this was a bad deal.

    illegal or not, it's the alaska fisheries 2013 version of Watergate.

    Sure Nixon was gonna win anyways and we know KRSA always get their guy and wins anyways-- think Jeremiah Campbell, Brent Johnson---but at least in the past we thought we were having conversations in private amongst our friends without wiretapping and simply illegal eavesdropping.

    having said that----

    let's put this behind us and work together to bring the board of fish process up to the standards we would expect in 2013. The board members are all great and respectable public servants but we need to make improvements on the cycles and process and we need to have this discussion together
    AOC, UFA, KRSA, SEAGO, Territorial Sportsmen, etc etc.

    Let's get along and move forward.


  35. Too bad that both sides are acting this way. It would be great if the Governor just appointed the best person for the job and everyone got on with fishing or being politicians or some other useful activity. Spying, slandering, all a bunch of unproductive garbage.....

  36. Amen

    And since bill brown resigned early and since Mike Peterson is from Juneau, how about Mike for the job

    No need to reinvent the wheel or rock the boat

  37. To bobbyt
    Wishful thinking won't fix anything. The All get along question is for fairer minds than KRSA withlobbying to undo traditional commercial fisheries or Karl J.'s chew on KRSA's spin on regulations. Putting Johnstone in the pot on board members - "all are great" is your opinion. I respect yours most of the rest you wrote but Chairman Johnstone should get-a-long back to Arizona and play regulation golf...

  38. isn'UFA an accomplice to a crime if they don't report it to the authoities? If you saw someone robbing a store, would you say just commit to me that you will never do it again and I won't turn you in. What a stupid offer by UFA. I guess if the robber was your best friend you might let him off. If that is the case shame on you UFA for being a bedfellow of KRSA.olll

  39. These bloggers are so funny! Everyone is such an expert. Now UFA is called an accomplice to a crime because they don't report a crime. It just keeps getting better and better. Maybe that poster is getting the same legal help the earlier one got in concluding that UFA could get criminal charges filed against KRSA. And what maybe takes the cake is the poster that said that since Brown and Peterson are both from Juneau, why not pick Peterson to replace Brown. Right. No matter that UFA is strongly promoting and supporting Peterson. And SEAGO and the Anchorage / Mat Valley together with other sports fishing interests are not. Great idea, huh? The governor is committed to keeping the balance on the BOF and I am sure, realizes that Peterson would skew that balance. So the beat goes on. When Bobby T says something that makes a bit of sense and does not go on the attack, but rather offers some wise advice for everyone to ratchet down with the rhetoric there seems to be another UFA poster/ imposter that will take up the attack reins. Remember this blog is open to the public. That means everyone can read the trash that is written. And trash it is!

  40. I have been reading these posts with some interest. I am a member of UFA. And i am not proud of what has happened. All of this unpleasant business is not good for our organization. It needs to stop and we need to get back on tract. Bobby T was right. Let's try to get along and take on a positive attitude. . Why say things that are so provocative? Does it do us any good? Let's move on to something that will be helpful to all users of this wonderful resource that we are so lucky to profit from.

  41. Here's what this comes down to (if the facts are as the letter indicates): KRSA (or someone calling from their Soldontna office) eavesdropped on a UFA teleconference. Illegally. The records from the teleconference provider have, obviously, already indicated this. UFA has NO reason to coddle KRSA or play nice. If this is true, they should go for the fucking throat. At the very least, they need to smoke out their leak.

  42. Great call the Feds, they had fun at the UFA Building before.

  43. Boehner v. McDermott

  44. National Public Radio had a piece on the ever expanding Chinese private company hirings for private eavesdropping. Apparently corrupted Chinese officials now hug and employ a patted hands greeting style in public while checking the other guy for bugs; all the while smiling and speaking without ill-rhetoric.

    Whatever was said at the UFA meeting didn't deserve a eavesdropping. Whatever was said didn't need to be repeated to the chair. Whatever the chair heard didn't need to be repeated either. UFA members who voice an opinion of the board serve others and are free to express them. Disrespectful acts over on the intrusion of UFA's teleconferencing includes the topic of respect. Political fish mongering comes with a cost. Publicly and without rhetoric one can either extend a handshake or choose to keep your hand at your side - it's your choice. Personally, I'd prefer the hands kepts to my side approach than the public smile and pat down check on those eavesdroppers.

  45. Johnstone is a total servant to big money sportfish. Are there boardmembers who lean towards commercial? Of course, but you can still feel like your going to get a fair hearing with them. Kluberton leans toward sport, but you still feel like he's listening. Johnstone has his mind made up before he ever even hears the issues. He disgraces the integrity of the board, especially with his ties to this latest fiasco. Even if he didn't do anything wrong, how will anyone be able to have faith in him? He should do the right think and step down.

  46. To 1:41 poster: "are there board members who lean towards commercial, of course". Please tell me the last time that our UFA member and BOF board member Jensen voted for a sports fishing proposal. We have our own "johnstone" But if you look at the Chairman's voting record you will see that he has protected commercial fishing interest many times. I was at the petersburg meeting last year as well as spending some time at the ketchikan meeting. Yes he does lean towards sports more often than not. But ask someone at ALFA or some trollers if he is so one sided. I have been a member of UFA for many years and also wish that the chairman was not on the board. But not for the reasons you assert. He is just too effective. He has many many political supporters and will be on the board as long as he wants, so maybe it's time we tried working with him. He has seemed approachable. Why engage in this smack talk?. Is that good business? I think not.
    And, ask yourselves: what did he do wrong here? UFA has a leak in its organization and someone was given the call in number and the Chairman is told what was said. From what i have read on this blog, he has apparently not disclosed any details and UFA is not going to do so either. Instead of addressing its internal problem the bloggers on this site go after KRSA and now the chairman who has, from I have read, done nothing wrong as you indicate in your post. Isn't it time for our organization to move on and learn from this experience. Amen to Bobby T, the only reasonable voice in this s**t storm.

  47. Special interests clouds the issue. Give the job to a Vegan - we'll get fair and equal representation for the good of all.

  48. @6;28-

    I was also at the Petersburg and Ketchikan meetings. I found Johnstone to very unapproachable if you were promoting anything that was contrary to how he viewed things. Every other board member would give the time of day, but not Karl.
    Listening to him and Jensen deliberating over sportfishing for black cod was very enlightening. His agenda is for sport fishing, but not for the personal use Alaska resident. His deal is the charter fleet, and the potential growth. I have heard as much out of his mouth during BOF meetings. If he was anything but predictable, then he would be like the bulk of the board. But on any issue that has to do with allocation between guided sport and commercial you know exactly how he will vote, how he will deliberate. He has a set agenda which flys in the face of what the board of fish is supposed to be about. While you could say the same about John Jensen, it is a little different in that the commercial side has the view that these resources are fully allocated. They are being taken away rather than claimed on the basis that campaign contributions makes it so.
    If you are a commercial fisherman, you should be asking yourself what has this joker in the Governor's office done for our industry that would justify our supporting him? No wait, I did just ask that. Please tell me.

  49. 8:04 am Poster perspective*****(five star comment).

  50. lmao at the KRSA homer who somehow tries to claim that the KRSA eavesdrop was somehow akin to a heroic whistle-blowing, and that UFA should come clean over "hiding" something. That's rich. Like UFA is somehow in the wrong here. I wonder what gets said at a KRSA board meeting when BOF candidates are discussed? I imagine its the epitome of politeness.

    KRSA would be in a very challenging position in court when it tried to claim no eavesdropping laws were broken, if UFA had the stones to go to the authorities and press action. Most likely, that ain't going to happen, so the argument becomes academic. Even aside the legal issue, KRSA's behavior is about as low as an organization can go ethically. Then skittering, like little tattletales in the schoolyard, straight to Johnstone to "rat" UFA, just adds to it. Heroic alright, KRSA should be proud.

  51. At the Ketchikan meeting Mr. Johnstone was all to happy to rail on Mr. Jensen for not declaring a nominal conflict of interest, but you never once heard him, or anyone else call Mr.Brown out for conflict of interest. The guy rebuilt sport reels for a living. He took money from the sport industry, how is that not a conflict of interest? to a reasonable member of the uninvolved public,it definitely appeared to be a tilted scale. Sport fishing is a sport, but guiding and lodging are every bit as commercial as commercial is. Time to at least admit that. It is sad that party line politics appears to have completely taken over reason at the board of fisheries. The battle is won or lost on how the make up of the board lies, and has very little to do with the issues presented. The immediate reaction is to think, " boardmembers should be chosen who have absolutely no affiliation to any fishery", but if you did that, the new people would be completely without any knowledge of the workings of the fisheries, and wouldn't have a clue what would be the right decisions to make. The boardmembers have to know about fishing, period. prior Closeness to one fishery or another is a must, but it can't be the type of polar partisanship that it is now. So it's time to ask yourself, who is it exactly that has tugged and pulled at these boardmembers, and created this atmosphere? You are. We are. Both parties have fed into this mess. Both industries are critical for the economy of Alaska, and both need reasonable access, while respect is given to traditional uses as well. I imagine that the fair choices to make would be hard enough to come to sometimes, it has to be that much harder with lobbyists tearing your shirt in half in the hallways. Maybe it's good that this has come to a head. Maybe when it's over, and the smoke has cleared, we can start getting some decent fairminded decisions made at the Boardmeetings. It's been a while.
    K C

  52. KC:
    Good post. However, if ADF&G Directors had the stones and knowledge to do their jobs well before and during board meetings most of this certifiable crap would cease.

  53. The different factions don't have to like each other, or agree on issues, but you have to at least agree on what a fair board member should look like. Thats what this whole latest feud began with. Instead of pulling for an extreme boardmember with direct ties to your particular imdustry, why not meet in the middle? For example, to fill the seat vacated by Mr. Brown, why not select Mike Peterson? He is not affiliated with sport, or commercial, and yet he's served on, and as the chairman of, the Juneau Advisory Committee. He knows and understands fisheries, and he would have no problem staring anyone in the face and standing behind his descision. I feel like it would be a serious tragedy to miss the opportunity to put a stand up guy of his caliber on the board.
    K C

  54. Lordy, how long can we beat this dead horse. Isn't time to move on and do something constructive? First, we better get our act together and put someone on the BOF that understands the resource and our needs. We need someone who will make fair allocation decisions. But, we can't live in the past claiming that our fisheries are "fully allocated". Times have changed and other users are staking their claims to a resource we once thought belonged to us. fortunately there is enough to go around and everyone can wet their beak. It Peterson is the right guy for the job, let's get behind him in a positive way. Instead of tearing down people we have no control of, lets be positive in our actions. We are stuck with who is on the BOF until a position comes up. Until then we will get nowhere with attacks on sitting board members. And why unnecessarily piss off the chairman? Does anyone think that helps our organization and its needs. And maybe you will consider me a traitor, but what did he do that was wrong? He was simply the recipient of information and he has not used it any way, good or bad according to comments on this site. If we are to be upset, let's be upset at KRSA. Or perhaps our board may have engaged in some conduct during the teleconference that was wrong and compromised our goals. I don't know.
    but I do know that this has gone on long enough and needs to come to a halt.

  55. please o please don't throw me into that briar patch. please o please don't file any formal complaints against us. Oh, what will we do if you go after our poor organization? Oh, woe is me.

  56. Mike Peterson
    Juneau resident
    Sport seat
    Obviously not beholden to either group in any way whatsoever.
    Fairbanks area is out.
    The 2012 census says Juneau passed Fairbanks as the 2nd largest city in AK.
    So to take away Juneau's seat and put it in Fairbanks would be a sham.
    Larry Edfelt would be a great guy as well but after 2 times on the Board of Fish, aren't there enough Alaskans who should have a shot.
    Why would someone get a 3rd time.
    He'd be the next best besides Mike Peterson.

  57. As for UFA feeling spawned out, knucklehead @ 325, you might not have noticed the new blonde Exec Director has nothing in common with footballhead other than they were born and raised in the same town.

    UFA is moving and shaking like it hasn't done in years and years.

    Arni Thomsen as Pres the last 3 years visited 37 fishing communities and worked tirelessly in the Anchorage area. He even moved there. Now UFA has a young, hard working, boots on deck Executive Director who is a racing horse.

    You, sir, are out of touch.

  58. Are you guys that out of touch with whats going on ?

    Larry Edflet?? with the Area M issue coming up in three weeks....never going to happen and Mike Peterson is not even close. Someone on here must know better than this about whats going on in Juneau.

    Anyone know more than the last guy? I do.....

  59. 4:21, maybe our organization is "moving and shaking" like never before. But as an old timer who benefited from Arni's level headed leadership, I am a bit disappointed in the start that the "new blond director" has made. She presided over the tele conference and so how is it that she provided no security to prevent someone from being given the number to call in. If we are going to free to speak our mind on issues such as board appointments, we need to know that the board meeting will be secure. And it is not rocket science that is required to provide security. And since we probably have no recourse against KRSA, let's find out who saw fit to provide the info and make sure it doesn't happen again. Hell, if this did not take place in my back yard, I would say kudos to KRSA. I only wish i could listen in on their meetings. so perhaps the moral is: if you are with a large group of people, watch what you say. Because like it or not there are always going to be leaks.

  60. Somehow KRSA got the number. Conspiracy or plain old rat? KRSA listened in to the call unauthorized. Eavesdropping under both fed and state statutes - simple google search confirms - crime committed. Substance of eavesdropping published, further criminal activity. Public process called into question regarding the BOF, KRSA and UFA due to weak response by UFA, the victim here trying to cover-up their tight ties they don't want the membership to know about? And apparently an ethically challenged board member who uses the information to bully the very groups he is regulating. I won't be renewing my UFA membership. They have forgotten about the UNITED part. Cook inlet has been thrown under the bus for years. Area M and E are next on the salmon issue. Time to clean house and call in the exterminator.

  61. Yeah
    That's a dumbass for ya

    Drop your Ufa membership

    Hey, why don't you use the Ufa dues and send em on over to KRSA


  62. What exactly were the statements that Johnstone made publicly that revealed that he had been given info from KRSA?

  63. I stated before that both parties need to stop supporting boardmember prospects based solely on their perspective ties, and focus on who will be an honest asset. However, the boardmembers themselves must also strive to distance themselves, and uphold the highest level of moral charecter. Karl Johnstone has not been doing a very good job of this. Ask him how many lodges he's been a client at, and then returned favor to by voting on issues they've brought up? Is this illegal? Knowing what he retired from, I say he knows his way around the law, but that doesn't mean it's ethical. To those who feel like we should go easy on him because he's the chairman, I say don't bother he wasn't planning on doing you any favors anyway.
    What KRSA did was unethical, and illegal. It sounds like it was done on the sly, and probably with information that someone shouldn't have given them. So how exactly was the UFA director suppose to know about it?, or plan for it. Its a fisheries board, it's not the CIA, you shouldn't have to be planning for spying, they have enough to think about. It speaks volumes that who ever did it, felt compelled to immediately share the information with Mr. Johnstone. Once again, his implication may not be illegal, but it certainly is unethical. Why? Because whatever was said will surely leave an imprint on him, and probably other boardmembers. It was private information that wasn't ment for them to hear. It clearly creates a disadvantage. To me it is blatantly obvious that he carries a hidden agenda. In court we have the right ro ask for a new judge based solely on feeling this way, whether our feelings are founded or unfounded. To bad it's not an option on the board of fish, given the current circumstances.
    Stop bashing the new UFA director. You havn't even seen what she is capable of yet. I have. I've watched her in action for sometime now, and she has a tremendous amount of energy and skill that very well could take the UFA to levels that they've never been. I have never been a member of UFA, though I certainly should have been for years. I've been hesitant for years because at times they represent groups within the organization that I don't agree with. That has been a selfish decision on my part, but tomorrow I think I'll go join up. I will do this because overall, the UFA is there to look out for me as a commercial fisherman, but also because I'm excited to see what the new director can do.
    K C

  64. Notice senator Lisa has a relative on the KRSA board

  65. 10:36, You seem to have a very good relationship with the UFA director, whom you refer to as the "new blond director"" If you recall, there were many of us who did not support her for the position because of how polarizing she was at PVOA. She did not enjoy a good relationship with regulatory bodies. And her handling of this UFAgate matter shows her lack of ability. Is anyone interested how the UFA letter to KRSA got leaked to the Deck Boss? Do you think that all the comments that have been hurled back and forth has been good for UFA business. Of course it has not. If the director had been smart she would have called KRSA and expressed her concerns. Nothing has been said about what took place in the teleconference and it would have died right them. Now, it is very likely that someone will disclose what was done in that meeting and my guess is that it will not be good for our organization. And your continued bashing of the chairman simply tells me and other UFA members that you just don't care about the long term relationships with regulators. for example you claim and infer that he gets lodge benefits in exchange for votes. I happen to know that from the beginning of his tenure that the chairman has not accepted anything, anything from any person or organization, not a drink, a dinner, anything. I know, because i tried to take him to dinner in Petersburg and before that in Sitka and he made it clear that he thought it would be inappropriate. He is reported to have made that clear to other members of the BOF who, from i am told, no longer accept anything either. As for lodges, I have been told that he does go to several with his family and friends and in fact pays the regular rack rate for the experience. I confronted a Kenai River guide about a year ago and told him it was not right for him to give a complimentary trip to the Chairman in the summer before meetings that might impact the Kenai sports fishery. He said that the Chairman insisted that he be charged the same as anyone else. Look at his APOC filings and see if he lists any gifts. If he does, then you have something to complain about. Otherwise, by your innaccurate claims, you are becoming part of our continuing problem of hurting us, not helping. Arni T. worked very hard at maintaining relationships with both the Board and the Council. I hate to see all his efforts destroyed over this very insignificant matter.

  66. Don't know if johnstone paid or not, but is a regular client, and he does return favor. And that attitude 6:19 is what's got exactly nothing done. You would kiss his ass just because he has a vote. Whats wrong is wrong, and you cant be affraid to say it. Johnstone is big sports paperboy.Kiss his ass all you want, hes still not gonna vot for you.

  67. I think I see one of the problems. If someone does not vote for you he is the enemy, no matter why the vote. You do not want balance. You want it all your way. All the time. Right? You really are part of the problem and not the solution. My guess is that you are not a member of UFA. We really don't need your kind. Rather you are a deck boss groupie that likes to stir up trouble with innuendo and by spreading crap. Get a life. And by the way take a spelling lesson.

  68. I agree with the last post. If you are a UFA member you are killing your organization by even dignifying this bullshit with a comment. Fix the the problem and get a life. a few shit stirrers are killing Alaska's most powerful fishing advocacy group.

  69. The 8:17 Imposters / spinsters from KRSA talk about balance since their last prime candidate Brown resigned; so that's supposed to be KRSA's Fairbanks choice instead from Southeast. What's wrong KRSA can't control the candidates from South-east?? Can't be assured unbalance on the board?? Your high and mighty use of balance on the board seems to be KRSA breaks into UFA's teleconference to "unbalance" the board.

  70. After wading through this plethora of commentary I'm left querying myself what the "F" in "UFA" truly abbreviates?

  71. Too funny the KRSA apologists logging in pretending to be UFA members and wringing their hands about harm to UFA's reputation. Its KRSA's reputation that is on the line here, not UFA's and this isn't just some "bullshit" that is somehow beneath UFA's attention. This is a serious matter ethically, and perhaps legally. UFA's Board should treat it as such. Ignoring it, and calling out for a group hug, is a mistake.

  72. 11:27, don't you get it yet? Any controversy is damaging to UFA, any! Regardless of who starts it, we should not let it get in the way of our mission. Nobody is suggesting a group hug. It is just that it not worth the time and effort and bad feelings that are being generated. some of us indeed UFA members. Are you? Much as I think Bobby T is a bit off much of the time, he hit it right by encouraging us to get back on tract. You on the other hand are part of the problem. And level headed minds should now rule, not a groupie wannabe who just wants to stir the pot. It is arguable whether this is so serious as you claim. If we can filter out who in our ranks gave out the number, so be it. but to what lengths do you think we should go. I say enough is enough. Perhaps it is time for our board to become a bit more transparent anyway. Why should we worry about what is said if we maintain a professional level. Should we be be so secretive in our meetings. We are not some fraternity and threat of horrible things if the secret handshake is given out. We are a body of hard working organizations and individuals that must have the highest standards and unafraid of what we promote and push as our agenda. What the board should consider is meeting again and allowing the public to attend if it chooses and go over what happened and make an effort to not put ourselves in the position that we are now in. And that has been having to defend ourselves and claim fowl play at the same time. Maybe it is time to air out just what happened and what took place in the secret meeting. Why is it that no one wants to address this point. Did we screw up? I heard that Arni is very upset. Why is that? So instead of accusing some of us as being KRSA apologists, why not ask what actually happened. Perhaps that would shed some light for a reasonable solution.

  73. UFA hasn't been the voice for a majority of Alaska's coastal fishermen since they became the United Trawlers Association. Nevertheless, they are a commercial fishing industry voice and deserve the right to have a board meeting without being spied on. Legal or not that is unethical behavior.
    Unethical and then stupid to be caught both sharing the confidential information with a public official and then bragging about it or otherwise revealing your shoddy tactics. While UFA may have it's internal problems it is not the villain here, and their new executive director should not be a target of vitriol either internally or externally. Doesn't sound like the Chairman of the Board of Fisheries, Karl Johnstone should be targeted either. The target for outrage should be the unethical skunk(s) at KRSA.

  74. KRSA folks are clearly posing as UFA members and trying turn the discussion away from the illegal actions of their organization.
    This was a criminal act. KRSA must be held accountable. Karl Johnstone is a judge, he knows the law, he knew he violated the law when he took part in a phone call disseminating illegally acquired information over state lines. The governor needs to remove Johnstone from the Board of Fish before he further erodes the integrity of Alaska's Board of Fish process.
    It'll only take a long distance call to Arizona.

  75. Yeah "T" has a truer ring to it than "F". "UTA".........................
    United Trawlers of Alaska" or "United Thorstesons of Alaska".

  76. Anybody commenting on here that comm. fish's for a living and supports chairman Johnstone is an idiot! The guy is pro sporty all the way. Good luck!

  77. Why is a senile old dinosaur like johnstone on there anyway? Looks like he got one foot in the grave, the other on a banana peel.
    KRSA Kenai River Sports Ass. So where's the sport? Shoulder to shoulder, every square inch, pack in as many rednecks ad you can fit. Like shootin' fish in a barrel, just like they like their politics.
    UFA United Fisherman of Alaska. Really? So why do you sell your soul to Seattle draggers?
    Can anybody answer?

  78. Howdy pard
    So Ufa sucks johnstone sucks and so does KRSA

    KRSA has some of the biggest names in the state
    Mark Hamilton- ex UA Chancellor
    Lisa Murkowskis husband

    And so on

    For every Seattle trawl group-- and that would be 2- UFA has a half dozen gillnetter-set net groups--- usag, cdfu, KPFA,UCIDA,bbr

  79. how about an open letter to the editor listing the entire krsa board, asking for an explanation of their involvement in the illegal activity. See how many rethink their positions as krsa board members. Or continue to piss and moan in private, afraid to upset ufa's reputation. Sounds like Stockholm Syndrome, fishermen have been victims of biased public process for so long we think it is ok to add a little eavesdropping, too.

  80. I want to know what was the final stain that Brown had to step down over?? Were the other BOF'S finally gonna call him out for his blatant pandering, so he threw a tantrum? Seems like we should get to hear more.

  81. Gee! A friend suggested i look at this site. I do not have a dog in this fight and couldn't care less about the players and their supposed responsibilities. But the attacks are really something. Everyone is sure brave when they can hide behind anonymity. When you call out UFA, KRSA, Bobby T, the Chairman, Hamilton, Murkowski's husband, now Brown, have the courage to identify yourself. Especially when you are accusing someone of committing a crime. Oh, I forgot, that's the purpose of these types of blogs. They give cowards courage. Anyone not connected to any of the players who reads this garbage will NOT have positive feelings about your respective industries.

  82. I have a problem with BOF and the way they are easily influenced. At their last meeting, they approved proposals for a Commercial Fishery in the Nome area subdistrict where the Summer Chum Salmon has been on the Stock of Concern List for going on 25 years! That fact must be buried in neck deep doo-doo in the F&G archives somewhere along the way.

    Their job to to check out every angle and act accordingly. If they can't, they should not be in this position at all.

  83. You can't condemn people for maintaining anonymity while you yourself choose to do the same. More than a little hypocracy here. Are you a politician also, Feb 5 5:30 AM ?

  84. The UFA, on display today.

  85. 7:42, I knew when I posted someone would accuse me of hypocrisy, (not hypocracy), No problem. The difference is that I am not on the attack and have no interest in the fisheries involved. My comments are just an observation from someone who does not have a stake in the outcome. Not a politician either. Just a fellow Alaskan who does not believe in attacking people under the cover of an anonymous blog, I understand free speech and would fight for the right. But, really, do you think such attacks and accusations are productive or serve a useful purpose?

  86. Ricky Gease with nothing to say? Weird.

  87. Note to the KRSA drone that keeps putting up the posts in this thread: take greater efforts to mix up your writing style, its getting too easy to spot you. Second, avoid overuse of "garbage" "groupie" and "coward". They also give you away, just so you know.

  88. Oh boy! I have been caught. But to call me a drone, that hurts. I have feelings you know. Thanks for the tip. I will try to mix up my nouns in future posts. Time to go to the thesaurus. Let me know how I am doing. Thanks

  89. Another note to droning KRSA. Your constant use of negatives.

    Maybe your form of writing was practice on your defense - "I don't" , "I don't think", "I have a problem"...

  90. 6:21, boy are you smart. I am so impressed. I will work on the negative thing. Thanks again. I really appreciate the help.

  91. On the subject of anonymous posting, this quote is from a January Smithsonian article, by Ron Rosenbaum, about digital pioneer Jaron Lanier:

    "As far back as the turn of the century, he (Lanier) singled out one aspect of the new web culture — the acceptance, the welcoming of anonymous commenters on websites — as a danger to political discourse and the polity itself. He saw anonymity as a poison seed. The way it didn't hide, but, in fact, brandished the ugliness of human nature beneath the anonymous screen-name masks. An enabling and foreshadowing of mob rule, not a growth of democracy, but an accretion of tribalism."

  92. Jim,

    Well said.

    Eric Jordan

  93. Now that this fish is out of the net, let us see who we haven't asked what their perspective is? We haven't heard from the current KRSA Chairman and practising lobbyist, Eldon Mulder. Maybe we should question his ethics in this whole matter. Is it ethical or legal to aquire electronic information fraudulently under Federal law? Alaska has several distinct rules that apply to incorporated boards, also the IRS is very interested in the activities of non-profits as is apparent in the new 990 questionnaires.The spokesman for KRSA and the one who is ultimately responsible to maintain a legal enterprise resides soley within in the sitting chairman and the board of directors. How many knew of the content of the UFA teleconference? Did they discuss it amongst the officers or directors, executive director and others in the organization. Just how did Board of Fish Chairman Johnstone recieve this information? Is this an "integrity" question or just another chapter in the "Corrupt Bastards Club". Let the public decide!

  94. It's obvious that someone on the U.F.A. board gave out the numbers for the teleconference. Seems to me if anyone doesn't want this to happen again,don't have teleconferences anymore...

  95. And the beat goes on with drums beating rhythm in my brain. Now Eldon Mulder has been added to the list of bad guys. How pathetic. How low can you go?

  96. Tough in the boat or in chestwaders; crybabies on land.

    More, more, more for me; less for you.

    Tough crybabies.

    Special Interests look after themselves and it's about time we recognize that as the God Given Truth. There are thousands more poor people who are not commercial fisherman who just want a few fish for their freezers. It's their God Given Right!

  97. This disharmony points to a FACT that Alaska is LEADERLESS from top to bottom.

    Clouding the real issue of sustainable managed resources.

    Making sure everybody and everything that once made Alaska GREAT goes to HELL in a handbasket.

  98. Is that you Eldon (5:18)? Or whoever you are, you wake up at 5 a.m. to read the DB and see a familiar name? Couldn't sleep to well huh? Maybe you just need to confess and clear you mind of sin! How long you ask; as long as it takes you and others who know what actually happened to come forward and repent!

  99. 6:48, it's commercial fisherman who feed the poor. The boys who come up to stay in your lodges, hardly qualify as the starving masses. Indeed, most can hardly pull their waders up. Grandma in Kansas, who really can't afford to come here, thats who commercial feeds. There are 10's of thousands of them, They own the fish, not the couple of hundred of you.

  100. No kidding 6:48. What god you serving anyway, Jerry Prevo?

  101. Where did all you jailhouse lawyers get your law degrees?

    I'm logged on to the council meeting as I type this. Am I violating the eavesdropping laws? I don't think so.

    If the council goes into executive session and somebody forgets to turn off the audio feed and I keep listening, am I in violation? No I am not.

    UFA could have set up the teleconference so that it would have been a violation of the eavesdropping statute for an uninvited party to listen in but it doesn't look like they did. Nobody is going to be prosecuted for this. Quit making UFA look more foolish than they already do.

  102. Here's the statute. And before someone jumps on whether or not they used an eavesdropping device, the phone was the eavesdropping device. Was it private, yes it was private in that specific participants were invited to take part.
    The supreme court findings that support the intent of the statute is below the statute.

    Alaska Stat. § 42.20.310: It is illegal in Alaska to use an eavesdropping device to hear or record a conversation without the consent of at least one party to that conversation, or to disclose or publish information that one knows, or should know, was illegally obtained. A person who is not a party to a private conversation who receives information from that conversation cannot legally divulge or publish the information. Alaska Stat. § 42.20.300.

    The state’s highest court has held that the eavesdropping statute clearly was intended to prohibit third-party interception of communications. Palmer v. Alaska, 604 P.2d 1106 (Alaska 1979)

  103. Participants in a teleconference are not third parties. A person who logs on to a teleconference the same way everyone else logged on is a participant whether invited or not.

    What measures did UFA take to ensure that they had a reasonable expectation that only the invited participants were participating? Were these measure adequate to provide the reasonable expectation of privacy court talks about in Palmer?

  104. The log in was the reasonable measure. If I put my money in a wallet and put the wallet in my pocket I am clearly trying to protect my money. If the wallet is stolen is it my fault because you were skilled enough to steal it?
    The intent to hold a private meeting among invited members is clear. The log in proves it. KRSA surreptitiously logged in, listened without permission, and then shared that illegally acquired information.
    Just because you can get away with an illegal act does not mean it is OK to get away with a legal act. Whomever took part in any element of this act is corrupt and in violation of state law.

  105. @ 6:48 - Grandma in Kansas, or millions just like her making fish patties for dinner with a canned humpy and some saltines. I don't mind working for her even if it means I have not had a raise since 1978

  106. "As far back as the turn of the century, he (Lanier) singled out one aspect of the new web culture — the acceptance, the welcoming of anonymous commenters on websites — as a danger to political discourse and the polity itself. He saw anonymity as a poison seed. The way it didn't hide, but, in fact, brandished the ugliness of human nature beneath the anonymous screen-name masks. An enabling and foreshadowing of mob rule, not a growth of democracy, but an accretion of tribalism."

    To a degree that is true. It is also true that I'm pretty certain I have heard inside information on blogs by people that would have a lot to lose if they boldly posted under their real names. You can speak all you want about your version of integrity, or balls or whatever makes you feel better or superior all you want, I don't care. I'm a discerning human, I can deal with tribalism and sort nutjobs as I will. If you don't think Bobby T isn't a tribal chest thumping being, please! Personally, I think he's an idiot whether or not he posted under his name or otherwise. I'm sure lots of others do to.

  107. Most readers should be able to discern the usefulness of the post to the discussion at hand without an actual signature. Why did the founding fathers of our country feel the need to publish unsigned, many of the federalist and anti-federalist papers that discussed the issues preceding the creation of the Bill of Rights and the ratification of our constitution?

  108. To: 6:25
    Please Do a favor to another discerning human and rant in some other blog.

  109. Sounds like all the monkey motion and bad mouthing did not help UFA with their efforts to get their guy on the Board of Fish. It is the sports fish guide from Fairbanks. Read it and weep. Meanness never pays off for. T hose who are mean spirited.

  110. Ha ha. Maybe someone clued the Gov on what went on in the UFA "secret" meeting. Maybe another teleconference is in order.

  111. I heard it was mike Peterson . He will do a great job for those of us who put fish on the tables of millions around the world. congratulations Mike. Now we will have a voice.

  112. The test is "knowingly". Did the individual(s) have intent to listen in on a private call know that they were not an invited party to the call as specified in the UFA notice of the specified time and reason for the teleconference? A roll call is the usual protocol for most meetings held for a given group to conduct business. Did the individuals identify themselves upon dialing into an interstate call line and placing a specific coded number to gain access to the teleconference?

  113. there are not enough fish to go around is the problem. the outcome is what we see here, fighting. too many users for too few fish, it will be a fight that continues to grow, and with no winners, no one. so i wonder if the solution would be to just start farming fish for food to sell and leave the natural for subsistance before you wipe them out. it is clearly a win for a public resourse.

  114. You Eff A's started going down when Bobby t began playing fish god. his allies aka corrupt bastards have lost connections in the political end but he continues to weaken his fleet by sending em home and collecting permits for dust, which is what he will be leaving for his followers.

  115. This is an unmitigated loss for UFA. Instead of cleaning up their unsecured teleconference, it launched an attack through its own drones trying to smear many good, hard working people who simply do not always agree with the UFA agenda. And what did it accomplish? Now there is a new BOF member that will undoubtedly be informed of what went down over the supposed "leak" and hear how so many people were unfairly tarnished. If i were KRSA, I would simply make a copy of the comments on this blog and circulate them to as many people as needed. Bobby T, and a few others were correct. This could have been avoided by the UFA director showing some leadership instead of leaking the letter to UFA to Deck Boss. Instead of having some positive influence at future BOF meetings, UFA will have to wonder just how much the Board, other users and the public knows about what went on in its teleconference. Not good!

  116. To 1:26: These arguments are an interesting from an academic point of view. But that's all. The damage to UFA has been done, no matter the legality. It could have handled the issue much differently without damaging itself. The approach taken has hurt its membership and its agenda. Time for UFA to try to kiss and make up.

  117. It's about time that Alaskans challenge the handful of men making millions to "feed the world" and start worrying about feeding Alaskans FIRST!

    This crash is long over-due, 35-40 years over-due. Outlaw trawling!

  118. Wow. First big accomplishment for UFA under Curry. Congratulations on a fine selection. Pants dropped and BOF position lost to KRSA. It's like her behavior in Dutch Harbor all over again.

  119. Its about time for UFA to grow a pair, start legal action against KRSA and Johnstone and kick Parnell in the taint. Comm fish is the second largest industry in the state and we need to act like it.

  120. Curry? She isn't ready for what's coming, sacrificial lamb here. If you need assistance out on the water, Petersburg boats will pass. Greedy men and a good looking woman. Should be an interesting journey.

  121. It's time to get out the popcorn, this show is just getting started. UFA will now be fighting Sportsmen's Associations, Mining Interests, Oil Companies and Subsistance Users just to mention a few. Each group outnumbers UFA, have higher educations and more money. One has to look just south to see how a 'few feeding millions' have been knocked down to the bottom of the pile. Bobby t to the rescue, with J. Curry, spectacular.

  122. UFA is known for a lot of good things. For example did you know that it was a UFA member that invented the tooth brush. You know it had to be someone from UFA that invented it or otherwise it would be called the teeth brush.

  123. Area M meeting coming up. Wonder if Curry will show her face. If she is smart she will and will try to make amends with all who have been attacked. If she does not, it will simply show that she is out of touch with reality. Bet Arni will be there and my guess is that he will be very critical of the approach that UFA has taken. He must have seen the handwriting on the wall and made a wise decision to depart when he did. And for the 7:27 poster, your attitude is exactly what UFA does not need. Interesting that you add the Governor to your hit list. Bet that goes over well. I happen to know that Hooley and Moreland look at Deck Boss. You just add to the antipathy that is now the order of the day for UFA

  124. To the 7:09am poster, who cares if Hooley or Moreland reads this. They are not the problem, Parnell is the problem and if you don't believe that then you are likely the rat that passed on the teleconference number to KRSA or you are Eldon Mulder. You can't play nice with a snake.

  125. OK you got me. I am Eldon Mulder. Or am I the rat Maybe. I am definitely not the Governor. So i must be pretty smart to either have talked the governor into his BOF selection, or pretty smart to have gotten the teleconference number to KRSA. And how about you. Very little hope for you, because you can't fix stupid. And if you don't think Hooley and Moreland have significant influence in who is picked for the BOF and how how the Dept. views certain proposals, then you truly are unfixable. Good luck.

  126. i think shell has another drill ship ready for the arctic, it would be awesome if they stopped in bristol bay for a look. that HAS to have a butt load of oil and gas. the State should be looking for revenue and open it up for exploration, the fishermen could work year round with local docks busy 12 months instead of 2.

  127. As someone from the Mat Valley, I want to personally thank UFA and its "blond haired' director for all of their efforts that resulted in getting R. Morisky appointed to the BOF. I have been advised by reliable sources that the Governor originally wanted the SE guy, Mike Peterson who would have been a disaster to us, but because of the UFA leaks and attacks and support for Peterson, thought it better to find someone who would indeed provide the balance the Board needed. I was not surprised to hear that Deck Boss is read by administrative assistants' to the governor.

  128. 7:09 in all your posts on here, you sound like you want to blow Arni.

  129. 8:28, what is vince websters position on oil and gas exploration in bristol bay?

  130. I must say that a lot of anonymous, pathetic, spineless creeps have now taken this posting to another level.

    Here's the facts:

    1.UFA was wiretapped,eavesdropped on, whatever the illegal activity that occurred it was illegal, unethical and downright immoral.

    2. KRSA did the eavesdropping, wiretapping, whatever the illegal activity that occurred it was perpetrated by KRSA

    3. The Chairman of the Board of Fisheries contacted UFA immediately to let UFA know that this happened. That was a great heads up and while I don't know the context or understand the rationale behind this action, I certainly appreciate it.. How else would UFA have known the KRSA wiretapping, eavesdropping but for this fact. Certainly KRSA wasn't going to tell UFA. Thank you for your role in this , Chairman Johnstone, in alerting UFA of this illegal activity.

    4. SEAS, whom I represent, wasn't on the call, but I understand that UFA was discussing potential candidates and the future of a 1959, antiquated process that has run its course and needs fixing. Certainly the process needs to change with the times. 1959: no limited entry, no guided sportfishing, no subsistence, no personal use. Unless we want to go back to 1959 and do away with the rest of these Johnny-come-lately. (j/k) fisheries then let's get into the 21st century and give the board some professional tools and economic analysis etc etc and make some changes. Of course UFA groups probably discussed a few current board members as well. No. It deal though.

    It is apparent that UFA management--of which SEAS is not involved in day to day, is so humble and shocked at this violation of our organization and privacy and sense of fair play that it's taken them 3 1/2 weeks to report this to authorities and report this to the mainstream media.

    Let me tell ya, you break into my personal communications or those of the SEAS board in the fashion that KRSA did and we spend about an hour reporting to the authorities and media and then let them take over. This would have been disposed of by Friday, January 19.

    UFA was trying to be cautious and methodical and really give KRSA a break as most of our groups don't deal with KRSA.

    If somehow this was construed by anonymous bloggers as JC being mean or lack of Arni T guidance, I beg to differ.

    It's like giving the neighborhood kid awhile to come clean about. Using into your house. Personally I have not heard a rational explanation so UFA is in their full right to proceed. Just too. Ad it's taken nearly a month and that it's been so distracting.

    Furthermore, UFA is such an open group that it's not like this meeting was all that secret internally to Commfish. But it was at a critical time and a critical issue for UFA so SEAS fully supports proceeding with the full extent of the law against this deception and invasion of private communications by KRSA

    And the KRSA board might wanna think about upping their board insurance and checking on their 'educational' 501c3 statues

    The 501c3 groups I work with don't have wiretapping in their bylaws as a standard practice

    Robert M Thorstenson, aka Bobbyt
    SEAS Executive Director
    410 Calhoun Ave

  131. Great spellchecker I got

    In case you didn't get it, the neighborhood kid broke into our house.

    That neighborhood kid was KRSA

    They werent invited into our house
    No explanation yet after nearly a month
    UFA politely waited for one. Maybe they were hungry. Maybe they were thirsty. We'll never know without the proper authorities checking it out for us.

    Time to press charges
    Long past time


  132. Bobby T. You seem to get off a different nest from day to day. And "wire tapping" ? Wow! Where did you go to law school? Petersburg, maybe Sitka? Night school? I'd ask for my money back. But let's hope there is legal action. Let's all see just how professional UFA acted in their secret teleconference. In fact why doesn't their director release a transcript of the meeting? Let's see just what was said. Or is UFA afraid.,afraid so! It is always fun to know that you are duplicitous Bobby T. First you say let's move on and then you say let's go for the throat. Pathetic.

  133. Be interesting to be a fly on the wall at a KRSA meeting too I'll just bet, but no way a commoner gets inside one of those. Not without 2 sponsors, the secret handshake, and a pointy hat. What am I saying? Nothing really, accept that it sure doesn't look like affirmative action reached the level of million boys club lodge own in Alaska, thats all.
    I remember way back when a sportfisherman was an angler with a rod....

  134. I'd rather my daughter make a living with a pole at the Bush Company, than my son make a living with a pole on the Kenai.

  135. Read my lips

    I said on only after I said this was a virtual watergate

    U gotta report watergate

    Then move on

    But here I am again replying to anonymous folk who may be al Qaeda, Chinese dissidents, Cuban exiles....the sheep with no name

    Where I come from we eat the backstraps of you sheep and send the rest to the glory hole

    Duplicitous, but with a name..and btw, it was willamette law school

    And when YOU break into a private teleconference we can call it whatever WE want.... You're the guys who broke in.


  136. And btw... Don't hold your breathe on the Ufa meeting transcript.

    The ones that'll be way more interesting will be the ones that get subpoenaed like the one you guys had Thursday night. After all it was KRSA that broke the law(s)

    Might wanna record those ones so there's no need for a 13 person memory quiz


  137. Bobby T: you really are an emotional person. I had no idea. Take your meds, breath through your nose, and calm down. This is just a fish blog that almost no one reads or cares about. People post because it allows them to rant and vent so when they actually deal in person with one another they play nice. You know the drill. You and many others know that nothing more will come of this UFA gate than the letter to KRSA and the ranting on this site. Who really gives a rats ass what was said at the meeting. It is meaningless in the scheme of fish business. We will all see each other soon and smile, have a drink, and push our respective agendas. JC will do her thing, KRSA and Reuben will do their thing, the new BOF member will be swamped by stakeholders trying to win his votes, johnstone will run the meeting and his votes will be predictable as will Jensen's, you will pontificate, Shadura will continue to piss everyone off, Maw will do his legal threat dance, the Dept. will continue to talk in tongues, and at the end of the day nobody will be happy. In other words/. MOS.

  138. I'm afraid the last poster is right on. One reason this blog does not create a more enlightening exchange? Anonymity.

    Of course it is true that a signature does not guarantee logic or the truth. What a signature does is provide context and accountability.

    Don't get me wrong - I'm sure many anonymous comments are truthful and thoughtful contributions. It is just hard to pluck the plums from the BS without knowing the source.

    One poster values "insider information" that wouldn't come out with a name attached. He says he can recognize the truth. I wish I could, in fact I wish everybody could. Then we could get somewhere.

    Check out a blog where names are required. You will find much less nastiness, lying, and inane comments that have nothing to do with the question at hand.

    After my last post I was accused of signing in order to feel superior. I give up. . .


  139. Time to move on!!!!!

  140. Some blogger way up above in this blog said "commercial fishermen feed the poor". No, they don't. The poor people in Alaska have relied on Subsistence Salmon Fishing for thousands of years. They are too poor to buy the salmon on the market.

    Commercial salmon fishers fish for the working class people who could afford that high price of wild salmon on the market. There are more poor people in Rural Alaska than there are working class. The priority is suppose to be given to them according to the State Consitution. Banking on a mass of peoples level of intelligence and literacy is OPPRESSION!

  141. Real fishermen do act civil to each other most of the time.

    Check out that row of uptight people at the fishing council meetings. They are posers. They don't mingle with anybody but themselves. Slime 'em out!

  142. There's that 5 am guy again, somebody continues to have nigthmares about this incident. Has to get up and read the Deckboss he says "nobody reads or cares" about except for him. Hmm. By the way, I believe we now call it KRSAGATE. It has a better ring to it don't you think? Going to be interesting when the board of Mulder is interviewed for integrity.

  143. To 9:45: Some people are just early risers. UFAgate, KRSAgate, what's the difference. It's still a lot about nothing. Anybody that thinks that Mulder is worried about his integrity being questioned, just does not know him. You do not get to be President of the Alaska Senate, have a distinguished career since, have the ear of both U.S. Senators and a U.S Representative, and the Governor, and be welcome in the home of every lawmaker unless one has outstanding character and integrity. Take on someone else. You are out of league when it comes to taking on Mulder.
