Monday, October 15, 2012

Alaska fishing giant Winther passes

John Winther, a Petersburg resident and a major figure in Alaska's commercial fishing industry, has died, friends tell Deckboss. He had been seriously ill for some time.

Winther was an owner of Prowler Fisheries, and served on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council during the 1980s.


  1. john was a great fisherman.
    Went with him and collin first trip on theresa marie,just out of the NAVY in 1974.
    HE going to be missed

  2. Rest in peace John.

  3. A great man. Condolences to his family. Always had time to say hi on the docks. A true fisherman, a tough businessman, respected by all.

  4. You didn't have to agree with or like John. But you did have to admire and respect the man. He was a friend who will be missed.

  5. In a former life, I attended meetings that involved Winther and Bart Eaton. One time, Bart showed without proper attire; Winther sent him packing to put on a sport coat. He had standards. I was not a friend, but he was always friendly to me.

  6. No author could have written a fictional character that matched John. He was smart, tough and willing to take risks others would not. His vision and leadership was beyond compare. He was also a warm, caring and reliable friend.

    I, for one, owe him a lot and will really miss him.

  7. Ask Bud what kind of friend he was!

  8. One year he asked the Prowler
    crew to cut their Christmas break
    short and return on Dec 26,
    meaning most would have to leave home on Christmas Day.As payment
    for doing this he would give them a Christmas bonus.He did.He gave them
    ONE VCR to split between 12 guys.

  9. I Have known John for well beyond 40 years. John was a very tough, and very difficult person to keep happy. John on the other hand was very greedy where it came to remembering those who helped John become so wealthy. When crab rationalization became law several years ago, John, rather then to continue to operate his crabber the Theresa Marie, he tied up the boat and fired the entire crew. Then he leased out his quota to another boat. Never did John consider his crab crew, but rather put all the money in his pocket. So much for being such a stand up guy. There are other stories that will no doubt surface, but one thing should be very clear, John Winther was nothing more then a well spoken, well dressed man, who understood how to manipulate others for his own benefit.

  10. The estate battle might be fun to watch closely. Maybe some things like the Oliktok Pipeline, partnership with Frank Murkowski, and taxes saved by pumping crude through connection to Kuparak system. Just saying. One might find some interesting clues to the other side of the CBC concerning fisheries.

  11. Some of these comments are in poor taste. Yes, Johnny was a tough business operator, and it is not surprising that colleagues and competitors might have a few bruises from running up against his brusque style. But regardless, he was a good man that accomplished a lot and created a lot of opportunities for people.

    To the whiner that is complaining about reporting to the boat to go fishing the day after Christmas and only getting a new VCR to share as a "bonus" - I've seen Johnny's settlement checks and those of his competitors, those boys got paid well. Rather than fouling the reputation of the dead, a little gratitude for his job creationwould be in order.

  12. I agree, I have also know Johnny since the early 70's . Yes he was a tough business man who expected nothing less than 100%. But he gave 120% to this industry, he was a visionary and one that should be respected for that alone.
