Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This year's Alaska Permanent Fund dividend is $878.

That's a big drop from last year's $1,174.

Most dividends will be paid Oct. 4 by direct deposit.


  1. Tim Smith said....

    This is directly related to the oppressive nature of NSEDC and we need to get to the bottom of this!

  2. The truth of oppression really burns you up, doesn't it?

    With the PFD so low this year, NSEDC should step in to help the thousands of Norton Sound residents who've been waiting for a real hand-up for 20 long, long years.

  3. There are few things more pathetic than some anonymouss clown heckling on someone else's blog.

    Why don't you write something about the topic that makes sense?

    If NSEDC is doing such a great job you should have all kinds of great things to say about them instead of pathetically mewling about how much you don't like what I write.

  4. why don't you hold yourself to your own standard Mr. Smith.... you are such a d-bag you can't see they hypocrisy you espouse in our last post!!! If you want to stay on topic... do it yourself you peice of material floating around the planet Uranus!!

  5. Kudos to Mr. Smith. Way to stick your neck out and state your opinion. Unlike the pathetic idiot that really doesn't know shit about what he's talking about. Cruising blogs to write negative comments must be the highlight of his day.

  6. @7:22AM, I think you are describing the dough boy from Nome (aka NSCrabber) to a T! When has he said anything positive about anything on any blog? The guy talking about Tim's hypocrisy is spot on

  7. The negative stuff is from Don Stiles.

    Ask him why Kawerak fired him.

    Its real interesting.

  8. I love it when doughdough heads use language they don't normally use because the meaning is over their heads.

    They must make NSEDC proud for their support. Keep it up! You make them look as bad as you.

  9. Don't you morons have anything better to do than use Mommy's computer to make personal attacks on a guy who has been trying to do something to make things better for those of us that live in the bush.

    What do you contribute besides hot air?

    Grow up, grow a set and tell us what you think is so positively great about NSEDC.

  10. You gotta love the Deck Boss Blogs. In some respects, since the comments are "put out there" anything is fair game to anyone who takes the time to read them. The worst thing to do however is to address the garbage in any way. Ignoring it is the what the haters can't stand. And they go away. But to respond in kind plays right into their game and gives them the energy to hate even more.
