Thursday, August 30, 2012

Public service announcement

Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell has announced the following appointments:

Fishermen's Fund Advisory and Appeals Council

Parnell appointed Donald Stiles to the Fishermen's Fund Advisory and Appeals Council. The council consults with the commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development regarding appeals filed in relation to care of sick and disabled fishermen, and advises the department on administration of the fund.

Stiles, of Nome, is a commercial fisherman and high school basketball coach. Active in the community, Stiles is a Norton Sound Economic Development Corp. board member, former chair of Siu Alaska Corp., and a former fisheries specialist with Kawarek Inc.'s fisheries department. Stiles also served in the U.S. Marine Corps. He is named to a seat reserved for a resident of Northwest Alaska.

Pacific Salmon Commission Transboundary Panel

Parnell nominated James Becker, Rod Brown, Arnold Enge, Gary Gray and Dale Kelley to the Transboundary Panel of the Pacific Salmon Commission.

The panel supports the Pacific Salmon Treaty, signed by the United States and Canada in 1985. The panel makes recommendations to the commission on management of in-river and terminal fisheries for salmon originating in the Alsek, Taku and Stikine river systems in Southeast Alaska and northern British Columbia.

The governor's nominations are subject to final appointment by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce.

Becker, of Douglas, has been a commercial fisherman for more than 35 years and is a lifetime resident of the Juneau area. He is a board member of United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters Association and chairs the City and Borough of Juneau Fisheries Development Committee. Becker was first appointed to the panel in 2000.

Brown, of Wrangell, is a retired biology, marine biology, math and photography teacher. He fished commercially during the summers and is an avid sportfisherman who has lived in Wrangell since 1969. He was first appointed to the panel in 2005.

Enge is a longtime Petersburg resident who fishes commercially for salmon, herring and halibut. He serves as vice chair of the Petersburg Fish and Game Advisory Committee. Enge was first appointed to the panel in 2000.

Gray, of Yakutat, owns and operates Alsek River Lodge and provides guide services for hunters and fishermen in the Yakutat area. He fished as a commercial setnetter for 15 years and serves as a member of the Yakutat Fish and Game Advisory Committee. Gray was first appointed to the panel in 2006.

Kelley, of Juneau, has served as executive director of the Alaska Trollers Association since 1989. She also has served on the board of United Fishermen of Alaska, and as a commissioner of the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. Additionally, she was an alternate member of the Pacific Salmon Commission's Northern Panel for three years.


  1. So glad to see that of the Gov five picks, three commercial fishing persons are included. We can now feel comfortable that all issues with the diminishing Chinook stocks will do a 180 and that we will have abundance in SEAK rivers under their jurisdiction. When there is a problem with a regular and continuing loss of chickens it is always best to put the control of such losses in the hands of the foxes. It works every time. right? And it is so refreshing to see yet another Petersburg commercial fisher, Enge, put in this position to address conservation. And Kelley, whew, she will certainly entertain any concepts that might reduce her organizations harvest in the name of conservation, I am sure.

  2. Did the CDQ money have anything to do with Mr. Parnell's choice in Donny Stiles? A hundred thou thrown here, a hundred thou thrown there, here a hundred thou, there a hundred thou, everywhere a hundred thou!

  3. It is shocking that the administration does not do a better job at vetting its selections. Next thing we will know the gov will pick Julianne Curry as its Chairperson for the King salmon Mgt task force charged with getting to the bottom of the low abundance of Chinooks. Yeah! Picking Stiles was a major blunder that might come back to haunt the Gov. But the picks for the salmon commission is beyond belief. Enge and Kelley, come on give the salmon a break. They have never seen a salmon that they did not want to kill. More of the petersburg clan. The Commissioner has her prints all over these picks. Wake up Gov before your legacy is the forever loss of the Chinooks
