Friday, August 10, 2012

Icicle fined $430,000 for refrigerant violations

Icicle Seafoods Inc. has agreed to pay a $430,000 penalty to resolve Clean Air Act violations including refrigerant leaks from company vessels and processing plants, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today.

This is the second major Alaska seafood company to settle refrigerant violations. American Seafoods Co. in June agreed to pay a $700,000 penalty.


  1. More of Obama's and the crazy left's EPA regs. I hope American's wtf up, pull their heads out and boot that welfare promoting, anti-capitalist bum out of the White House and back to the streets of Chicago where he belongs!!! And people wonder why our manufacuring jobs have all left the country?

  2. The Montreal protocol was signed by Ronald Reagan

  3. @8:44....Shut the F*CK UP....Dipshit !!!

    Spoken like a true Processor sheeple follower.

    If you net over $200k in a year you're a dumbass Republicunt that is dodging taxpaying responsibilities, thru using continuing loopholes in tax schedules and by government failure and manipulation of our country's crooked congressional fatcats/corporate pricks that are abusing the system, and forcing the general population to pay for your free rides! How is this?... The wealthiest people are paying the least amount of taxes thru capital gains rates of 15% maximum, while most of the general populace is paying 35% on earned wages. The wealthy know this and divert as much profit as they can thru the fore-mentioned loopholes. And International trade Tariffs for Corporations have been relaxed in recent years, almost to the point of deregulation. So, F*ck the Rich FatCats monopolizing on the Resources!....Give back to society, or or get an egg in the face in the future!...Crooks all of them...including the Girdwood bunch at the $1200.00 Dinner!

  4. Hahahaha! I have nothing to do with any processors. You however, are just another dumb-ass-on-crack, spewing b.s. out both sides of your a**! Must be from the all liquid diet of that Obama koolaid you've been drinking! Do a little tax fact checking next time as you are the only fool with the egg on your face! Even your liberal web sights and tax fact groups have it all listed. Only an idiot who doesn't understand the economy would support RAISING taxes on businesses right now! The result would be more lost jobs! Quit your jealous whining and bitching about the people who have WORKED THEIR ASSES OFF! They are the JOB CREATORS, TAKING ALL THE RISK and PAYING THE MAJORITY OF TAXES! They are also the ones that donate to charities! You cry about the capital gains tax rate, but you obviously don't have the first clue as to what capital gains even means! That's not surprising coming from someone who supports the idea of half the country living off the backs of the other half! By the way, get a job, I mean a REAL job! Maybe if you inept people spent half the amount of time working that you do whining, who knows, maybe you would be able to pay your debt to society, your "fair share" someday and actually net over six figures a year also! It amazes me how twisted you mental morons have become. People who work their butts off are crooks and the people with their hands out are being screwed? I have an even better idea! Move to Mexico or any other 3rd world country. See who gives a crap about your futile ideals there! BTW, your hope and change guy just did a $36,000 a plate fundraiser while using the tax payer's money to fund his trip! HE is the REAL CROOK!

  5. uh, what does all this have to do with a couple ammonia leaks.94

  6. It has everything to do with the ammonia leaks.

    Ammonia cools things down, it is a refrigerant. Therefore leaking it is an unauthorized way to combat global warming.

    And we can't have that going on behind the governments back.

    That's how it is connected.

    Some people have so much trouble connecting the dots.

  7. @8:48 Is that a joke or could you actually believe that? If you're the same idiot who wrote @7:42 that would explain your intelligence level.

  8. What's the with all the crazy left -wing loonies in AK? It is where all of the mentally insane go! Same old thing, they can dish it out all day long. Rambling and babbling until someone comes along and shuts them down. Then they become vile and the only thing they can do is cuss, scream and stutter because they aren't capable of having any kind of an intelleigent conversation! Hey 10:09, is that all you got? Talk about level of intellect! 8:44, that's the first time I've seen someone stutter in a blog!

  9. The loonies in Alaska?

    I guess it still confuses em Walter Hickle, and his EPA program, fowarded by the Nixon Administration after Wally resigned still confuses a the uneducated mass of drunks in Alaska, who's favorite drink is Mr. Clean Himself, the new brown noser in the White House, Trickey Dicks Dream Team!

  10. try 300 to 400 dollars a kg for refrigerant in australia no one is laughing here

  11. R-22 is an ODC, not ammonia.

    Under EPA's own 608 technician certification program, there's no training on proper record keeping which is the main portion of the violations. The agency expects the owner/operator to follow the techs around telling them how to do their job when they're the ones who have to get certification to work on these systems! Ass backwards big time!

  12. Bigger fines for violations are in order.

    Take the monitoring away from the owners. We know owners of big money making industries cut corners every chance they get. More bucks for their own pocket.

  13. Icicle never seemed to have problems like this, or at least to this degree, before it was owned by a hedge fund.

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