Here's an intriguing article from NOAA examining the effects of a warming climate on Alaska's huge Bering Sea pollock fishery.
"Warmer conditions could force fishery managers to lower Alaska pollock quotas over the long term, which means by mid-century, fish sticks — at least as we know them today — might become less economical," the article says.
So we'll have to wait until "mid-century" before the salmon rebound and return to the rivers in Alaska in historical numbers. As long as they allow pollock fishing in the Bering Sea, the salmon will remain losers.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing that the industry has an exit strategy --- Sell their assets to the CDQs at replacement cost.
ReplyDelete"mid-century" is 38 years away. The pollock fishery can kill off all the salmon stocks in that amount of time.
ReplyDeleteIf there catching King Salmon then they are catching Silver Salmon,if there catching Chum Salmon then they are catching Pink Salmon. I also feel the pollack fleet is catching Sockeye Salmon, my favorite biologist disagrees but I don't.Take the boat limits out of the fishery's and the catcher processors can catch all the fish in the great state of Alaska in 38 years!
ReplyDeleteSalmon is good food. We humans in Alaska can't afford to allow the pollock fishery to destroy this resource.
ReplyDelete2012 is half way over and it's the year of the CDQ 20 year review.
ReplyDeleteWe're being chumped by a handful of men acting like dictators on the peoples dime. A fine example is the free nets given by CVRF, the CDQ group in the Bethel coastal area. A lot of this type of stuff is going on under the radar. It won't be reported that way in the CDQ reviews because they get to review themselves.
It's like giving a crook a double edged sword and a key to the bank at the same time.
Little Andy Jensen scribbled with his crayola and wrote:
ReplyDelete"To be clear: this is not meant to be an attack on the pollock industry, which is without question an important part of the Alaska economy. The Journal is not anti-pollock or anti-trawl fleet. What we are is pro-accountability, and in this time of extreme conservation measures nobody can escape their fair share of it.".
Andy, Maybe it's time to go back to Arkansas. BTW: The Razorbacks suck.
Read more:
Andrew Jensen a former Ocean Ranger? Wow, and he's covering Alaska Fisheries?
In a recent EW (10/16), Jennifer Hess raised some valid questions about the guns and training of the Oregon Rangers Association. Since our sole purpose is to help the public and the environment, we feel it is important to be open and responsive to all valid questions and concerns.
The Rangers operate as an armed security agency, though we exist solely on donations. As such, we are required by law to adhere to the Department of Public Safety and Training's (DPSST) strict rules and regulations.
Oregon is known in the business for having some of the most strict guidelines in the country — the DPSST website will give you the details. On top of this, all Rangers are trained in non-violent conflict resolution (verbal judo, as police call it) and have firearms training at a level that nearly doubles most police agency requirements.
The reason most of the Oregon Rangers are armed while on volunteer work is truly only for our protection, though we will not hesitate to protect anyone in need. It is a dangerous world out there, especially when you are known to marijuana growers and meth manufacturers as someone who will not hesitate to report illegal activities to the proper authorities.
The Oregon Rangers would never seek to put ourselves in a violent situation, but I assure you, we are trained to defuse situations peacefully, quickly, and with as little violence as possible. We are volunteers, EMTs, firefighters, animal counters, environmentalists, freedom and forest loving people — not police officers or vigilantes.
Andrew Jensen , Public Relations Director, Oregon Rangers Association
We need civic minded people like Andrew in Alaska. Too much corruption all over the place especially in the fisheries industry.
ReplyDeleteWe need his objective reporting. The illiterate and ignorant people who lack a solid educational foundation will make better decisions if they have facts instead of BS given to them.
More and more people have to step up to the plate to help protect that which we love of Nature otherwise it'll be destroyed by the bullies with money.
I suppose the oil/gas, mining, logging, health care, politics/lobbying industry's are less corrupt than the fishing industry. Let's blame the CDQ's for all that other corruption too just for the fun of it.
ReplyDeleteA little bit of corruption is okay?
ReplyDeleteGetting away with a little bit always leads to a bigger chunk next time. A huge chunk the next time. The whole cake the next time. Corruption to any degree is wrong.
"Andy, Maybe it's time to go back to Arkansas. BTW: The Razorbacks suck."
ReplyDeleteSo Andy's hitting a little close to home there, eh?
Don't need none a that accountability for destroying the salmon to be gettin' between your trawler buddies and the cheddar, right?
It's time to make the rules and regulations for the citizens of Alaska fair. Andrew is doing a great job exposing the corruption that inhibits fairness. Without this fairness, people are not free.
ReplyDeleteCDQs of the pollock fishery inhibiting fairness?
ReplyDeleteThe superman ability to change rules,regulations and laws based on inequitable assumptions is not for the CDQ Managers to determine. The laws of our country and state are intended to protect an individual from false accusations based on personal vindictiveness.
Personal vindictiveness is destructive not only to the one who uses this unfair tactic, it is also destructive to the backbone of our societies in America where each citizen has a right to expect fairness regardless of race from the managers of Public Monies entities.
This assumption is especially important when it comes to CDQ monies given to the people who are losing their culture and tradition of living off the salmon. If Public Monies can be used to target certain individuals, then who is to say you won't be NEXT if you speak words that the CDQ Managers don't want to hear?
I have witnessed CDQs inhibiting fairness for as long as the program has been around. I am a target of this 'personal vindictiveness' because I want what's right from these billions and billions of unregulated public dollars intended to right a wrong for the poor people of Western Alaska.
'Go back to where you came' from is an unreasonable request anywhere in America. This is a common occurrance out here in Bush Alaska where people are comfortable with the economic structure between the haves and have nots.
ReplyDeleteIn other words:
Shut up
White Man
We will
Crush you
Public Dollars!
Norton Sound's CDQ program is having a quarterly meeting in Nome, Alaska this week.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting agenda item is "Drug Testing". Never mind that the salmon stocks are crashing at an alarming rate in the Norton Sound.
Maybe this new "Drug Testing" policy will help NSEDC get on the right track.
It will only be fair if all employees and board members are routinely tested.
It will only be fair if Alcohol is encluded on the list of drugs to be tested for. A person with a hangover, on top of a hangover, on top of a hangover, on top of a hangover(4 day meetings worth of drinking in Sin City)cannot be expected to be in his or her best performance ability to make tough decisions on spending billions and billions of Public Monies.
Who will the Managers target first is the question. I know some will be excluded to continue to enjoy their personal vices. That list of excluded priviledged people will be kept secret from the board who approved of this policy. It's a control tactic as if these people are airline pilots or FAA workers.
Never mind that the salmon runs are crashing in Norton Sound.