Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Two processors settle up, save millions

More than two years ago, Deckboss posted an item about pending enforcement actions against two major processors, Peter Pan and Icicle.

The companies were accused of violating limits on crab processing, a very serious matter judging from the fines imposed: around $4.5 million for Peter Pan and $3.4 million for Icicle.

Now we understand the government has quietly agreed to much smaller penalties: $525,000 under the Peter Pan settlement, and $615,000 under the Icicle settlement.

The Icicle case was especially protracted, having begun in 2004.


  1. Watch the Alaska Journal of Commerce - Fisheries blog and articles. Highliner long ago provided a look into a part of early action, but now there's available the Admin. Law Judge detailed decisions etc. Boy, was there a lot of corruption going on. But settling $7.7 mln in fines for a mere 14.7%, $1,140,000, is a national ripoff. And ABUSIVE TRANSFER PRICING is a major driver of the 127 counts of individual violations of crab caps under the AFA committed by these two Thugocracy global operators. "Quietly" hardly describes what is really going on. Obama must fire Lubchenco from NOAA's top spot immediately. She's rushing to do more illegal privatizations of USA stewardship federal fisheries before she gets out the door. Check out and find Senator Brown's speech on the Senate floor about corruption in the NOAA OLE - in the Pacific NW arena. Sad, because Groundswell thinks the world of the many great OLE special agents we have in Alaska -- if only the higher ups will do the job of justice we all deserve.

  2. Can't say much more than ...convicted criminals doing their way of business, as usual.

  3. The icicle monies go 62% to employees- the rest to the fishermen and management stockholders

    This was a provision in the sale in 2007

    So it's money well invested in Alaska

  4. That's interesting, on what planet do fishermen and stockholders live?

    "Payment shall be by check or money order payable to the "US Department of Commerce" and reference case number AK 035039..."

    The key basis for the penalty is NOAA's determination that Peter Pan and another accused company, Seven Seas Fishing Co., were so closely aligned in their business relationship that they count as one company for purposes of the crab cap.

    Money well invested in Alaska?

    Just like Icicles favorite Joe Hazlewood money well invested in drunks from Texas, where we "cede back" to Texas too? Seven Seas and the Seattle Seven

    "and the grass grew out his brain...theres a hole in daddys arm where all the money goes...

    Money well invested in Texas.

  5. Big Money influences. Fines in the millions drop dramatically down to the hundred thousands! The people are getting ripped off big time.

  6. “All you need is trust and a little bit of pixie dust!”
