Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fuglvog to do time for fishing violation

As expected, a federal judge this morning sentenced Arne Fuglvog to five months in prison for a commercial fishing violation.

Here is the court's sentencing form with more details.

Fuglvog is a former aide to U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska.


  1. Crime does pay!
    You've got to kidding me.
    All longliners now have a license to steal, with very little consequence.

  2. Alaksa's crooked "Justice" system.

  3. Holland is getting too soft in his old age.

  4. On the sentencing form it says he is to
    "remain on bond." He was never on bond.
    Did they impose one?
    There is no mention of surrendering
    his passport.Did Judge Holland remember
    he went to Canada.
    With good behavior he'll only do 3 1/2

  5. Watch the crook walk away free in a couple of weeks due to "prosecutorial misconduct". The Senate is not real hip on having their own do hard time.

  6. Tragedy. I believed and supported this man and he betrayed me and many others. This proves the Corrupt Bastards Club still thrives in Alaska. Shame on you Judge Holland you disrespect the robe you wear.

  7. It's not what Fuglvog did to the
    NPFMC,it's what being on the NPFMC
    did to him.

  8. You mean the North Pacific Fugitive Management Council, don't ya?

  9. Petersburg Packing's Man of the Year

    See Icicle, at 797-98 (holding that the cede back agreements achieved the functional equivalent of a proportionate share allocation of damages, and “blend[ed] fairness to the parties with incentives to settle”).   Exxon has no more of a conflict of interest in enforcing the assignments in this case than it had in recovering damages through the cede back agreements in Icicle.

  10. To Tragedy...How did he betray you? Has your life been so adversely impacted by his criminal action? Aside from his sentence do you not think he's paying a huge price? He'll never again walk down a street in Petersburg without shame. That sentence will never be reduced by good behavior.

  11. A plea agreement initially called for Fuglvog to serve 10 months in prison, but the government last week recommended cutting that time in half. Fuglvog, who has no prior criminal record, is helping prosecutors in another case.

    I wonder who they could be investigating. Let’s not speculate and jump to any conclusions on the ethically challenged that post insults on here!

  12. I love it, we're "Ethically Challenged", becauase Arne lied, cheated and stealed, and is getting off lightly.
    "Highliner of the year"....

  13. maybe next week there won't be any posts about arne.


  14. 7:11. He may walk the street of shame but in my opinion he got off easy and the judge sent a soft message. Arne held a position of authority, which he used to stop other actions(VMS),which would have helped stop the lawlessness.

  15. Arne will due 3 months,take a week
    or two in FIJI and look over his offers
    from the lobbyist groups and become

  16. So the Bird Man's Singing?

    "How did he betray you?"

    #1, just in case you got left behind...

    "The subject speaks its own importance; comprehending in its consequences nothing less than the existence of the UNION, the safety and welfare of the parts of which it is composed, the fate of an empire in many respects the most interesting in the world. It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force. If there be any truth in the remark, the crisis at which we are arrived may with propriety be regarded as the era in which that decision is to be made; and a wrong election of the part we shall act may, in this view, deserve to be considered as the general misfortune of mankind...

  17. Tweet, Tweet, Tweet...that Federal Register "IS" Classic!

    “That’s not what’s going on here,” said his attorney Jeffrey Feldman. Agreeing to work with the feds and trying to do what’s necessary to make things right was a “very painful decision” for his client, he said, referring to the difficulty of sharing information about people you know and like.

  18. Bring it on! Lets make fishing for a living in Alaska an honorable occupation for a change.

  19. To "So the Bird Man's Singing"

    Impressive that you can copy and paste! Nice speech from one of our forefathers, no doubt a giant in history.

    The point is Arne is no threat to society. Yes, he broke the law and is being punished for it. Will you all sleep better if they slam the door and throw away the key? Punishment is also about rehabilitation? Is he such a monster that he can't still be a productive member of society? You make your own luck. As ridicules as it sounds now, his past accomplishments, service (and good attorney) is why the judge went light. Many of you scoff at the letters written in his behalf. Look at those names. Pretty impressive list that rallied in his defense. Yeah, you make your own luck!

  20. @7:11 am - all criminals harm a civil society & the public, that is why they are punished, what a stupid question.

    Arne should hang his head in shame, he is now a convicted felon, a criminal.

  21. To 7:14,
    blobby, quit posting anonomously.

  22. @7:16. None of the above was a question. If you read closer I said I understood he broke the law and is being punished for it. You don't think he's hanging his head in shame? What a stupid comment...

    I'm not bobby t. But I’m honored to be compared.


  24. to the poster @7:51 am, you did ask a question if you wrote this @7:11 am on February 8:

    "To Tragedy...How did he betray you? Has your life been so adversely impacted by his criminal action?..."

    I never mentioned bobby t, you are getting your comments (wires) all crossed up.

  25. Fuglvog: five months in the pen. Lost his high paying job, and he'll never get another one like it. Lost the respect of most of his peers in the industry. Personal cost to him in the many tens of thousands of dollars, etc. etc. I'd say he's paying a pretty stiff price for his violations. I wonder if he thinks he's getting off easy?

    You morons that say he's skating are laughable. Maybe you think he should get the death penalty?
    This blog is populated with way too many mean, small and petty people.

  26. To 11:19. Well said. I agree completely

    To 11:08 Sorry, I thought you were referencing my comment at 7:14 rather than at 7:11 on Feb 8th. My mistake. I still believe your comment "Arne should hang his head in shame" is stupid. Of course he's hanging his head in shame.

    Regarding my comment about not being bobby t that was for post at 7:51am. Thought you might figure that out.

    Time to move on. Arne got busted; he's serving time, paying fines and reputation ruined. Justice is served. Let's find something more important to discuss...like bycatch by gulf trawlers. It's obscene.

  27. Yeah, all us longliners aren't crooked, just our representatives.

  28. What I want to know is whether the IRS is investigating him for the transfer of his two million in Quota Shares both because of the divorce decree in Petersburg and to a bunch of his friends.

    He transfered back and forth so often over the years it is hard to say if any of those deals were leases.

    The other thing I want to know is why the five years from the time the crew turned him in until the sentencing. We know NOAA started to investigate in 07 and then dropped the ball.

    Then in 09 when Arne ran for head of NMFS the FBI started to investigate again. Did NOAA drop the ball because his buddy Balsinger who is head of NOAA now was also on the Council?

    There are an awful lot of unanswered questions. See Tongass Low Down Face Book for full coverage of this issue.

  29. 11:19; "five months in the pen. Lost his high paying job, and he'll never get another one like it. Lost the respect of most of his peers in the industry. Personal cost to him in the many tens of thousands of dollars, etc. etc. I'd say he's paying a pretty stiff price for his violations. With the exception of the first sentence, none of what you said is necessarily true.

  30. ^^^my opinions, if it makes you happier to have me say that. I don't think they're that far off base though^^^

  31. I hope they have an expanded cable/satellite plan where he's going. Wouldn't want such a good and honest fellow to get bored or lonely.

  32. 7:49 Do you mean for C-SPAN
    or the Untouchables

  33. The Alaska Rock Fish Catch share bill
    is another of Arne Fuglvog's many
    privatization bill's he pursued.
    And why wouldn't he.He had landing's
    in every qualifying year and is
    looking at making tens of thousands
    If not hundreds of thousands
    of dollars. Are they going to show
    his illegal deliveries so he can't
    profit in the future from this bill.

    This is a perfect example of the
    conflicts of interests on the NPFMC.

  34. Oh no, they're not criminals, just good guys trying to help everyone out (of a living).

  35. Why do men throw rocks at things that shine?

  36. "Shine",a bit tarnished, don't you think?

  37. I can see very well
    There's a boat on the reef with a broken back
    And I can see it very well
    There's a joke and I know it very well
    It's one of those that I told you long ago

