Monday, January 2, 2012

Taku River to see king salmon fishery in May

The U.S. allowable catch of large Taku River king salmon is 6,703 fish, says this state forecast.


  1. Any chance of a trawl opening for these kings?

  2. "Any chance of a trawl opening for these kings?"

    that's just plain E V I L.

  3. More like - E V I L E.

  4. "Best shown by"......

  5. where are the wild runs of king salmon of the taku or the chilkat rivers!the canaiadians fish these stocks up river get permits to drive to haines in the spring and fish there to, also for years now americans have under reported bycatch in the seine and gill net fisheries so they can keep fishing with no in season shut downs due to the king bycatch!has there ever been a shutdown due to king bycatch?

  6. A trawl opening?

    If we did that then we do the sockeye, coho, chum and pink fisheries no justice.
    And we can't forget about the other (bottom)fish too. Marine birds and mammals would also be put at risk; yes even the Sealion would be put in further jeopardy. The bottom habitat would also be unfavorably affected.
    We'll get back to you sir.

  7. Gillnetters used to have night
    closures back in the 80's .District 11 to minimize King catch.

  8. You're right. There should be trawl openings for all salmonoid species in SE. It wouldn't have to be all bottom trawling, just enough to kind of "turn the soil a little" as we do on the farm. The rest could be mid-water, near bottom, (surface gear for the pinks of course). Just trying to think ahead a little.
