Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The spin from ASMI

A state agency, the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, has issued a press release addressing yesterday's news that the bulk of Alaska's salmon industry will allow its Marine Stewardship Council certification to expire.

The release quotes Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell, state Fish and Game Commissioner Cora Campbell, ASMI Executive Director Ray Riutta and United Fishermen of Alaska chief Arni Thomson.

The general message seems to be, "We don't really need MSC certification."

Alaska salmon is covered under an alternative certification, ASMI notes.


  1. Perfessional spinners.

    Oh, that old red? It's only worth a buck a pound.

    Yes ma'am, this is the finest smoked wild Alaskan sockeye salmon, a true delicacy and at only $40 per pound.

    Eggs, what eggs?

    Yes papasan, we have the finest ikura that money can buy.

    Those #3's aren't worth feeding to a dog.

    Keep that can line running, we're still getting $8 a pound for it.

    Omega 3 extract, what's that?

    We got paid more per pound in the 70's, in 70's dollars than we are now, in 2012 dollars.

  2. we do not need the msc bull**** any longer. China does not care whether it is sustainable or not.

  3. Right on! And Alaska doesn't care that we'll send our coal to China where they'll burn it, put mercury in the ocean and make our salmon mostly unfit for pregnant mothers. Yeah, we're real smart.

  4. MSC certification is the gold standard
    for sustainable seafood. The educated, paying public is increasingly invested in using their expenditures to stimulate a biophilic economy.So when we destroy our access to the top tier of global markets,we doom our deliveries to be commoditized.

    Our politicians should ponder if they are showing such a lack of judgement and foresight that they are effectively decertifying themselves,and Alaska in the eyes of the world.

    Placing these myopic infants in custody of our natural resources is like casting swine before pearls.

  5. “UFA fully supports this action by our processors in making this move and believe it is inthe best interest of the Alaska salmon fishery,” says Arni Thomson, President of theUnited Fishermen of Alaska.

    Key points about the Alaska FAO-Based Responsible Fisheries Management certification???

    Key Points.
    Arnie Thompson marries Arnie Fuglov, key points in responsible fishery management shown best at any United States District Court...the" •Science and Stock Assessment Activities
    , always confuse the USA, ALWAYS!

    The of course the Palin, Parnell, and Campell's Soup Company, mmm, mmm, good!
    "It is open and freely accessible to all who harvest and process Alaska seafood,not just those who pay a fee for access...."

    It's obvious this cert means absolutly nothing, to those three legged pony express riders regarding the luck of the Irish.

    Vote Trailer Trash, Palin, Parnell, Cambpbell, and the rest of Petersburg Packing, hhhave we got a conservation plan for you!

    Yippie I YEA, Cow Pattie!

  6. Whenever I hear the word culture, I reach for my Browning!
    Hermann Goering

    Yours Truly,
    James Browning, Executive Director-AFDF

  7. Did you say Armin Koernig?

    He told me that my "time would come".

    He just didn't tell me that the price would be in the toilet then.

  8. msc is a "for profit" ngo. it was founded by u.k. base unilever inc. who make soaps and beauty products.

    the msc certification has turned into a sort of extortion scheme.

  9. MSC Annette Island salmon
    MSC Bering Sea Polluck
    MSC Russian pink salmon

    Gee, we're going to feel lost without that MSC logo. It's so meaningful.

  10. Don't forget the MSC certification of the Alaska trawl fishery for flats in 2010. Arguably the "dirtiest" fishery out there in terms of by-catch. I'm not sure why there would be any hand-wringing about MSC re-certification because I'm not sure that it means much anymore.

  11. I guess we can identify the MSC approved politicians. Black like Bill

  12. Hey!

    Is it too late to apply for my MSC label on the new Taku king trawl fishery?

    I have ~munneeeeey~.

  13. MSC effectively de-certified itself as a certification agency when it recertified BSAI Drag Pollock as sustainable. MSC will certify anything as long as you hire them.
