Thursday, September 8, 2011

Some personnel news

The National Marine Fisheries Service has a new chief scientist.


  1. oh great!maybe you all can get to the real bycatch numbers in the trawl and drag fisheries here in akaska?while theres still a fish left!hope he does it!

  2. Unlikely that he will. Once a fish goes out the shitshoot unrecorded it's successfully laundered. Can only hope that they'll get reasonable coverage in the near future. Doesn't look like that's going to happen though. Small changes on the agenda through 2013 but not enough to dent the waste that is happening. Another year is another 25 million pounds overboard unrecorded.

  3. It all depends on who recommended the new guy and who lobbied for him. Once again, the little people had no idea this 'chief scientist' position was up. The industry is in charge these days.

  4. is this guy the same "scientist" that developed the current western sea lion bio-op?

  5. You want to see by-catch? Jump on a 58ft cod trawler in the shumigans. No observer required. Not nearly as clean as here in Kodiak.

  6. Bullshit. How many pounds of arrowtooth have they done in the shumigans this year? 34 million in Kodiak so far. Way dirtier than cod fishing and the observer coverage just isn't there.

  7. Your numbers are way off. Our per tow bycatch is much lower. 610 bycatch of Halibut and crab are off the charts. How about your chinook numbers for 2010. How many boats in 610 have observer coverage? Pracically none!
