Friday, January 8, 2010

Legislature prefiles a few fish bills

Something fishy in Juneau? Wesley Loy photo

State lawmakers today unveiled a list of new bills they've prefiled ahead of the scheduled Jan. 19 start of the next legislative session.

I've culled those few most involving commercial fisheries.

House Bill 252, relating to the duty of the commissioner of natural resources to administer and supervise promotional and marketing work for agricultural and aquatic farm products. Sponsor: Rep. Alan Austerman, R-Kodiak

House Bill 266, providing for a priority for a fishery that is restricted to residents when fishing restrictions are implemented to achieve an escapement goal. Sponsor: Rep. Bill Stoltze, R-Chugiak

House Bill 268, relating to management of salmon and other fish stocks and salmon fisheries and to the use of funds received by an enhancement facility from the sale of fish. Sponsor: House Speaker Mike Chenault, R-Nikiski

To see the full list of prefiled bills, click here.


  1. maybe House Bill 266 should also stipulate that resident dipnetters can't send cases of canned smoked Kenai reds to uncle bill in Texas for Christmas...

    just to be fair...

  2. STOLTZ?

    Short for Stunted Intellectual Growth

    Attended Chugiak Gruening High School, but never has enough intellegance to hike to the top of Mt. Earnest Gruening, Juneau.

    Notes Special Interests; Alaska History. But Flunked it, with a BA in Political Science, from the usual College supporing the Badge of Fraud, Stoltz(R) (for retarded) Chugiak

    It will be great, you'll be able to sit on the beach, and then the State, can look for funding to pay those sitting on the beach, along with the great interest clauses that could only confuse the Dumpster Rat's from Chugiak!

    Shown best with Carlson, We Love the Morons from Chugiak, see: Backs Law Dictionary; Bad Debt Service, comes with a BA "Bail to the Action" from the University of Alaska?

    Could someone also call NRA Headquarters, this Member needs the (R)evoke Clause attended to
    Stoltz(R) Where (Reject) is another "self evident truth"

    Could someone actually read Stoltz the "Alaska Constitution" from Earnest Gruening's Harvard, not from Stoltz's UA, which is obvious for needs another Urine Analysis!

    "You can combine quality and price, as, like the rest of the world, I like to have good things at a small price."
    Thomas Jefferson(R)

    They Never Said, "small brain, with a large price."

  3. JT

    Stoltze may have legislation that is unseemly, unkind or downright outrageous to commercial fishermen. Sometimes he even says things that bother us.

    But to insult his intelligence, impugn his integrity and educational experience is not the way to go, my friend.

    Representative Bill Stoltze is a very very good friend of mine. While we don't always see eye to eye on salmon harvest issues and the user groups' access to the resource, he is a major player to be reckoned with and I would tread a bit more lightly.

    I presume that his statewide ambitions will bring him to a more amicable concensus realm.

    Yes. Oppose ideas that you don't embrace and would be harmful for commercial fishermen but don't underestimate Mr. Stoltze for one moment.

    He will eventually be somewhere in the mix when we sort things out and let's hope that he comes to reasonable conclusions that are fair to all user groups when we get to that day.

    Heck, he's an ex-officio seat on the ASMI board so Joe Bundrant, Barry Collier, Mark Palmer, et. al. sit right next to him several times a year. If they haven't had a chance to take him out to dinner-- he obviously doesn't drink since he has diabetes-- to try to explain the commfish end of things, whose fault is that--ours or Bills.


  4. Anyone read through hb268 yet, sponsored by Chenault?

    The word dominant is in there so many times it might become known as the S and M bill.

    I am sure the Bering Sea pollock fishery is watching this bill closely - it is the "dominant" fish in the Bering Sea in numerical numbers, and the bill basically says you can ditch any conservation concerns for a stock that is not dominant.

    Guess all those concerns for Yukon kings can go by the wayside, huh? Because you know Pollock are the dominant stock we can ignore any bycatch consequences to Yukon kings and kings going to any other area in the state?

    Yeah baby, this bill should light up a few fireworks with residents along the Yukon.

    If indeed the intent of this bill was to hose those dependent on Yukon kings...

  5. YO bobby! Pick Me up?? Come on over to I want to talk to you... -OVER-
