Wednesday, November 18, 2015

USDA stocks up on pink salmon

The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced the purchase of $5.3 million worth of canned pink salmon for child nutrition and other domestic food assistance programs.

Processors making sales include Ocean Beauty, Peter Pan and Trident.

Here's a purchase summary with more details.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Obama!

Anonymous said...

welfare for the poor seiners!

Anonymous said...

Sold for an avg of $1.53/lb. How is $.20 all they can pay the fisherman?????

Anonymous said...

If you think you can operate a cannery on margins like this, step up to the plate. Lots of places nailed shut over the years. Might even get one for free. Just better have about 5 mil to start.

Anonymous said...

The Feds continue to support our bad habits, the AK out of control hatchery program. Disheartening.

Anonymous said...

Bad habits? I'd love to know how harvesting a healthy, affordable and renewable protein source and using it feed children is a bad habit. What a ridiculous thing to be upset about.

Anonymous said...

Subsidized hatcheries, seiners, canneries, and consumers. What a truly perverted twisting of what should be a naturally occurring industry.
Affordable? When everyone is on the dole, affordable is not the word, it's welfare handouts.
From hatchery pt.hook haul to handout, what a country! Too many humpies and too many babies being made. Humpin' for humpies, better yet, humpies for humpee's.

Anonymous said...

20 cents not for long prepare for 15, and then 10,permits at 40k boats for 100k just like its always been...thanks ROB-BOB-KNOB,ENJOY YOUR RETIREMENT

Anonymous said...

Twenty years from now we will all be praising the fact we can supply low cost protein to an increasing world population. The present problem is "the can". We need to come up with a modern low cost packaging solution to replace a 150 year old technology. Notice that the canned section in the grocery store used to be two aisles? Now it is barely half of one aisle.
Bitch as one may about government supported agriculture or fisheries, we have been supplying the country and the world with low cost food since WWII. The challenges ahead are how to supply an increasing population with no more available tillable land and and increasing pressure on fish stocks.
Too many humpies is a temporary problem looking for a technical solution. Get busy thinking about solutions and stop finger pointing to a competing gear type. Besides, BB has the same "canned problem".
Who ever comes up with the solution will reap rewards far beyond what fishing itself could provide. Just Saying.