Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bristol Bay sockeye price reportedly reaches $1

Deckboss hears a major Bristol Bay processor, Yardarm Knot, has posted a base price of $1 a pound for sockeye, plus 15 cents for chilled fish.

Last season's average base was 95 cents a pound, the best price seen around the bay in quite a few years.


Anonymous said...

I'm settling out in Togiak with NPS for 75 cents and a promise that they'll adjust the price when they get back to Seattle in late September. While across the bay Copper River/Togiak Seafoods is buying for 1.25.

Anonymous said...

75 cents, 1 dollar or 1.25 per pound can make a big difference in pay. And that chance of a bonus after the season is over is like putting a carrot in front of a horse to make it work harder. Fishermen get so jerked around by the buyers. They are lucky to have people taking the risks to sell them such a fine product so perhaps they should start the season be fair and up-front.

Anonymous said...

that is f'n fantastic, glad we busted our asses for nothing this summer.

Anonymous said...

Third world conduct.